Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Dumbest Game Ever Played

With a hattip to mistermix at Balloon Juice, I have to agree that Tom Boswell's WaPo column this morning proclaiming that even if Tiger actually wins the Masters this weekend, he just doesn't deserve to win the Masters this weekend, is so far out into Stupidville it hurts.
If Tiger Woods wins the Masters on Sunday after all the damage he's done to golf, I plan to rob a bank on Monday; maybe then I'll win a Pulitzer Prize.

Sin big and win big. Why don't most of us ever think of that strategy? This week, within a minute, Woods talked about the "horrible" things he's done and how he thinks he can win the Masters. Has the thought crossed his mind that he doesn't deserve to win? 
I dunno Tommy, has the thought crossed YOUR mind that since golf is an individual sport of skill where the score is the judge, that if Tiger plays the best at this tournament and posts the lowest score, winning the tournament, that it has nothing to do with his personal life?  "After all the damage Woods has done to golf"?  Really?

What about all the damage this idiocy is doing to journalism with this insipid crap?  Tiger doesn't deserve to win the Masters because he cheated on his wife?  I'm certainly not condoning his cheating, but it has nothing to do with his golf game.  He's a professional golfer.  He goes to golf tournaments to play and win.  He probably won't win this weekend.  Odds are pretty good the rusty Woods will not win, in fact.  But if he does, and he wins fairly as an athlete in competition with other athletes, then he wins.
We know that bad things happen to good people. We cope with it. But when great things happen to people who have acted badly, especially if the bonanza comes fast and arrives ringed with robes of glory, don't we have to draw the line? I'm forgiving, but my brain hasn't turned into pimento cheese. If Woods has a tap-in to win the Masters, I hope his conscience helps him yip it and lip it. Win any other week. But not here. Not now. 
Bullshit.  If Tiger's playing to lose, he should quit the game and not come back until he's ready to win.  He's ready to win.  Let him play, and play to win.


  1. It's not just that he doesn't deserve to win. It's that, if he has control in a tight contest, he should choose to lose, for the sake of the children, or something like that:

    If Woods has a tap-in to win the Masters, I hope his conscience helps him yip it and lip it. Win any other week. But not here. Not now.

    Thr mind reels.

  2. If Bill Clinton can continue to be President after cheating, why can't Tiger Woods win the Masters?

    What does him cheating have to do with Golf? He wasn't caught taking "performance enhancing drugs" so honestly, leave him alone.

  3. Tiger did not force people to put him on some imaginary pedestal…
    Tiger did not coerce people into viewing him as something supernatural…
    Tiger never indicated that he was without sin…
    Tiger never encouraged people to worship him…

    Tiger plays golf and he does it well…

    We…the viewing idiots chose to view him as any other than what he is…a highly competitive, talented, golfer.

    But…I guess Tom has never committed a “sin”, never hurt someone else, never cheated on his wife (or his taxes), never did anything dishonest or despicable…and that gives him the right to judge.
