Saturday, April 17, 2010

How Does That Work, Exactly?

A volcanic eruption in Iceland is God telling us we shouldn't have passed health care reform.

No really, that's the latest from El Rushbo.

Anyone who takes this nutbar seriously deserves nothing but cruel, cruel mockery.  The man is certifiably insane.
"You know, a couple of days after the health care bill had been signed into law Obama ran around all over the country saying, 'Hey, you know, I’m looking around. The earth hadn’t opened up. There’s no Armageddon out there. The birds are still chirping.' I think the earth has opened up. God may have replied," he said on his radio show Friday.
Hey God?  Honestly?  Rush Limbaugh says he's speaking for you these days.  I know the whole "works in mysterious ways" thing but...really?


  1. The Samsara of Wacky turns all new information into proof of theory, even when it is contradictory.

  2. Sounds about right. This is the same god that sent "the 9/11 terrorists" and Hurricane Katrina due to the gays, feminists, and progressives. This is the same god who fucked up Haiti for "selling their soul to Satan" for freeing themselves from slavery. So it's quite in charcater for their god to fuck up Europe with an volcanic eruption in Iceland for passing health care reform.

    Seriously, though. The Old White Fuckers god not only has issues with petty vindictiveness, but misplaced anger as well.

  3. As an aside, the Old White Fucker's god also fails as an Evil Overlord:

    45. I will make sure I have a clear understanding of who is responsible for what in my organization. For example, if my general screws up I will not draw my weapon, point it at him, say "And here is the price for failure," then suddenly turn and kill some random underling.

  4. Actually, God is bilious that the health care bill isn't progressive enough, that a Democratic Presidency is looking "forward, not backward" at the expense of justice, that Haiti and New Orleans are still suffering, and that Limbaugh, Beck, Rove, North, and Cheney are still speaking in public.

    Not to mention all the other stuff.

  5. Re: misplaced anger.

    This is why invoking the divine in an argument is stupid.
