Friday, April 2, 2010

Redistribution Of Common Sense

I was going to take down Byron York's latest craptastic op-ed disguised as a "news article" but marindenver of the Rumpies beat me to it.  York breathlessly claims that Democratis Senator Max Baucus has admitted that Obamacare's real purpose was...the Marxist redistribution of wealth! (lightning, scary organ music, perhaps a few bats).
Health reform is "an income shift," Democratic Sen. Max Baucus said on March 25. "It is a shift, a leveling, to help lower income, middle income Americans."

1 comment:

  1. I'm tired of hearing people complaining that the Democrats want to redistribute wealth. First of all, one of the key principles of governing is distributing or redistributing wealth in the form of various resources for the good of society as a whole and for the protection and wellbeing of citizens. Accusing politicians of doing someething wrong because they are redistributing wealth is like accusing law enforcement of doing something wrong because they want to tell people what to do (i.e., follow laws!) Second - and more important - YES, the Democrats want to redistribute wealth in favor of low and middle income people - and it is crucial for them to do so because wealth has already been redistributed in the past four to five decades in favor of the rich who have become profoundly richer. This is one of the great social changes of the last 50 years. It is not a disgrace that the Democrats want to redistribute wealth - it is a disgrace that most of them won't admit it.
