Monday, April 26, 2010

Shame About His Meteoric Fall In The Polls

No, not Barack Obama.  NJ GOP Gov. Chris Christie.  He's been in office all of three months and his approval rating has plummeted to 33%.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has been in office for just three months, and a new eyewitness news poll shows voters are not giving him any kind of a honeymoon as he presses for budget cuts.

Only 33% of New Jersey residents approve the job Christie is doing as governor.

Nearly twice the number, 63% disapprove.

The telephone poll by SurveyUSA has a margin of error of plus or minus 4%.

Out of all the things Governor Christie wants to do and needs to do while he is in charge of the state, making friends is not on the top of his list.

"I could care less," said Governor Christie.

Since day one the governor has said he was elected to fix New Jersey, and that means making tough and at times painful decisions.

"I'm not in this to win a popularity contest. I don't care about polls, what's up, what's down, who they polled, how they do it," explained Governor Christie.
Gosh, doesn't this mean by Tea Party logic that Christie is "arrogantly believing himself above the will of the people"?  Doesn't this mean he's "painfully out of touch with voters"?  Doesn't this mean "We have to make him pay for it at the voting booth"?  I mean after all, the Wingers have been saying that about Obama for over a year now, and Christie was proof that the voters are ready to replace Democrats who "don't listen" with Republicans who do.

Well guess what New Jersey Republicans?  You've got a Governor who "could care less" about polls.  Boy, the Tea Party's really going to get this guy!  Time to tend that tree of liberty with the blood of patriots and tyrants, right?

I'm sure we'll see the Tea Party protests any day now in the Garden State, because after all the majority of the American people are Tea Party faithful, right?  And they would not tolerate such disdain for the American people from either party, correct?

You know, because the Tea Party guys are independent and not the GOP?

Sure you'll see those protests.  Any time now...

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