Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday Funnies: Here We Go Again Supreme Edition

Poor Fluffy.  Can't score any respect even on his own show.
Gregory: who should be on the Supreme Court?

Leahy: an Ordinary American who knows what it’s like to live on less than $500,000 a year

Gregory: someone outside the monastery?

Leahy: Celibacy leads to bad things greggers

Gregory: like molesting?

Leahy: that Gregorian Chant CD

Gregory: hey

Sessions: we need someone who realizes they are subordinate to the Constitution, Jesus Christ, states rights and who totally lacks empathy

Gregory: will this be a big fight?

Sessions: Obama should nominate someone uncontroversial who doesn’t think judges
know the Constitution best

Gregory: Obama must unite the nation by nominating a Corporation to sit on the court

Leahy: this is an activist court Fluffy - they rewrite the laws to pursue a conservative agenda

Gregory: that’s not what I asked - I asked whether Obama should do whatever Republicans want for the good of the nation

Leahy: well then he might as well nominate the most popular person in America - Hurley from Lost

Gregory: he is adorable

Sessions: the person could be on the court for 50 years - they could have something creepy in their backgrounds

Leahy: creepier than Jeff Sessions?

Gregory: good point
I think Hurley would do a better job than John Roberts, certainly.  Hell, I think Cousin Balki from Perfect Strangers would do a better job.

You know who we need to seriously put on the Supreme Court?  Draw an overworked, underpaid public defender's name out of a hat.  If they check out on background, nominate 'em.  Somebody with coffee stains on their briefcase they got from Office Depot.

That's the person's opinion I would like to see represented on the Supreme Court.  Just...once.

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