Monday, April 19, 2010

There Are No Racists In The Tea Party

Because Tom Tancredo calling to "send Obama back to Kenya" isn't racist, it just makes Tancredo an incredible assclown, along with apparently some of the other speakers at last week's Tea Party rally in Greenville, SC.  TPM's Jillian Rayfield:
The event took place at the Bi-Lo Center in Greenville, and featured former Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO) as its keynote speaker. Tancredo, who ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 2008, said that Americans are "going to have to pray that we can hold on to this country."

He added, referring to President Obama: "If his wife says Kenya is his homeland, why don't we just send him back?"
Oh, it gets worse.
 Pastor Stan Craig, of the Choice Hills Baptist Church, was particularly angry about the state of Washington, saying he "was trained to defend the liberties of this nation." He declared that he was prepared to "suit up, get my gun, go to Washington, and do what they trained me to do."
Still gets worse.  And crazy weird, too.

Dan Gonzales, who Chairs the Constitution Party in Florida, asserted that "this is the end of America right here," and if the Tea Partiers "don't get to work we're going to be fighting in the streets."

He was not particularly kind to the Republican party either, claiming they were owned by the Rockefeller family. 
And yeah, it still gets even worse.
Another speaker, who claimed Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is gay, noted:
I'm a tolerant person. I don't care about your private life, Lindsey, but as our U.S. Senator I need to figure out why you're trying to sell out your own countrymen, and I need to make sure you being gay isn't it.

No racists here though!  Violent, intolerant ignorant bigotry on display for the world to see, but no racism!  Vote for 'em in November, folks!

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