Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Violence Continues

When the right wing noise machine goes around proclaiming that being in the political minority means that the majority party is unconstitutional, illegitimate, and un-American for the simple crime of going with the majority party's platform rather than the minority one, then you get stories like this.
Charles Alan Wilson, a 64-year-old Washington man who was angered over health care reform, has been charged with threatening a federal official for allegedly making profanity and misogyny-laced death threats in messages left for Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA), the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Washington announced today.

The complaint alleges that Wilson called Murray's office multiple times between March 22 -- the day after the health bill passed the House -- and April 4. In one message, he allegedly said that Murray "had a target on her back." In another, he allegedly said, "I want to (expletive) kill you."

The press release from the U.S. attorney continues: "Wilson discussed assisting others in an attempt to kill the senator. Wilson's threats were in response to the passage of the Health Care Reform Act." Wilson was arrested this morning.

The complaint quotes well over a dozen passages from Wilson's alleged messages, which contain multiple death threats as well as the full range of misogynistic slurs.
To review, Sen. Murray received expletive laden death threats for voting to extend health care coverage to 32 million Americans.  On multiple occasions, I might add.  Over a two week period.  Republicans didn't like that.  Murray is a Democrat.  Therefore, this was apparently justified in the mind of Wilson.

But the people who are against Obamacare are mainstream, everyday "real" Americans who don't have extremist views at all.

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