Friday, April 23, 2010

Your Papers, Please, Phoenix and Flagstaff, Part 4

Gov. Jan Brewer has indeed signed Arizona's crazy immigration bill into law.
Gov. Janice Brewer (R-AZ) this afternoon signed the controversial immigration bill passed by the state legislature.

"For weeks this legislation has been subject of vigorous debate and intense criticism, and my decision to sign was by no means made lightly," she said after signing.

"Though many people disagree, I firmly believe it represents what's best for Arizona," she added. "There's no higher priority than protecting the citizens of Arizona. We cannot sacrifice our safety to the murderous greed of drug cartels."

The legislation requires law enforcement to demand immigration papers from anyone who they have a "reasonable suspicion" is in the country illegally.

She said she will not tolerate racial discrimination or profiling. Brewer also said she had worked with legislators to make sure the bill protects civil rights.

"We must enforce the law evenly and without regard to skin color, accent or social status," she said, adding that the bill's opponents are "over-reacting." 
The overwhelming number of arrests from this law won't be Latinos.  Nope.  That's a total coincidence.

Another solution to this. You know what?  Arizona has a pretty good tourism industry.  There are franchises from all four major professional sports in Phoenix, the Suns, the Diamondbacks, the Coyotes and the Cardinals.   If I'm a player heading to a game in Phoenix, I boycott, especially if I'm Latino or black. I don't get on the team bus/plane.  If I'm a fan, I don't go to home games.  Hey, what if I forgot my papers?

Rep. Raul Grivalja says boycott the state?  Not sure if that's the smart thing to do, the first people who are going to get fired are going to be Latinos and blacks in Arizona doing the "jobs Americans won't do" as Bush put it or whatever.

Better to do this the Obama way:  now Democrats have every reason to push comprehensive immigration reform.  But congrats again, Grand Canyon State.  Make that the Racial Profiling State.

Your papers, please...

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