Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Adventures Of Moose Lady And Her Trusty Sidekick Moose Girl

You know what they say:  Like grifter, like daughter.
Bristol Palin is hitting the speakers' circuit and will command between $15,000 and $30,000 for each appearance, Palin family attorney Thomas Van Flein said Monday. [...]

He said he believes she's interested in expanding her message beyond teen pregnancy to include her experiences on the campaign trail and in the media spotlight; her parenting approach; and her outlook on life.
You know what?  Good for Bristol Palin.  I hope she fleeces Teapublicans even better than her mom does.  When you get opportunity, take it.  That's what America's all about, folks. I hope she makes a fortune off these idiots, moves out, gets her own place, her own agent, and gets a talk show.

I hope she makes a lifelong career of taking money from stupid people.  Lord knows anyone who thinks Bristol Palin has valuable life lessons to impart is so far down in the natural selection food chain they need to be relieved of money so that they don't reproduce as much.

She's vacuuming the bottom of the gene pool, frankly. There's a lot of spare change down there and that's a necessary function to boot.

1 comment:

  1. "I hope she makes a lifelong career of taking money from stupid people."

    I'd keep an eye on your wallet then. You know what they say about fools and money...
