Saturday, May 1, 2010

By The Time I Get To Arizona, Part 3

Bob Cesca on the State of Insanity:
Don't you dare suggest this is racially motivated, even though it really is.
Today, the Wall Street Journal reports that the Arizona Department of Education “recently began telling school districts that teachers whose spoken English it deems to be heavily accented or ungrammatical must be removed from classes for students still learning English.”
So any teacher with a foreign accent (read that: brown accent), and thus an insight into learning English as a second language, is now banned from teaching people to speak English in Arizona. Meanwhile, they're insisting everyone with brown heritage learn English -- or else.
Yeah, and don't you dare mention the Klan or Nazis when talking about the continuing ethnic cleansing efforts in Arizona, because if you do you're orders of magnitude more horrible than the people trying to purify the state's race and culture.

Remember, it's not a knee-jerk reactionary racist effort because the knee-jerk reactionary racists say it isn't.

You know what?  I hope you guys do vote Joe Arpaio in as Governor of Arizona.  I hope he gets a big ol' statewide posse and raids every home, every business, every school, every building in Arizona and rounds up folks who employ illegal immigrants in businesses and in their homes.  I hope he targets business owners and the rich especially.  I hope he locks down the entire goddamn state with his fascist police state crap.

People might learn what a real tyrant who ignores the Constitution looks like instead of fantasizing about Obama.

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