Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Epic Wingers Fail At Math Fail AGAIN

Wingers really are a stupid lot.

This week's freakout is that in order to pay for oil spills, the federal government is considering raising the tax oil companies have to pay to import oil from 8 cents a barrel to 32 cents a barrel.
Responding to the massive BP oil spill, Congress is getting ready to quadruple — to 32 cents a barrel — a tax on oil used to help finance cleanups. The increase would raise nearly $11 billion over the next decade.

The tax is levied on oil produced in the U.S. or imported from foreign countries. The revenue goes to a fund managed by the Coast Guard to help pay to clean up spills in waterways, such as the Gulf of Mexico.
And let's face it, $11 billion over a decade for the entire oil industry is chump change.  That's a billion a year...we've got a dozen energy companies that make multiples of that in a quarter just in raw profit.  So how do the wingers react?

Red State: "It would be really cool if someone in Washington could help us understand what good it will do to take even MORE of the money we don’t have enough of already to put in their pockets so they can have it available to them the next time a problem THEY don’t know how to solve comes along so it can be…solved… by them:"
You must hate the Warren Terrah then, buddy.  But then the wingers start lying.  There's a shocker!
Townhall:  "An $11 billion tax hike.  What are the chances this tax increase doesn't affect the middle class and upholds Obama's campaign tax pledge?  Zero.  While it's hard to estimate the average cost of an exceedingly rare oil spill, the clean-up of the Exxon Valdez cost the region an estimated $2.5 billion.  Total costs--including fees, fines, penalties and claim settlements pushed the total to about $7 billion.

If BP is going to clean up the Gulf, as everyone claims, and the total cost of the clean-up isn't likely to come anywhere close to $11 billion, why do we need to QUADRUPLE gasoline taxes?"
Wait, where does the article say gasoline taxes are being quadrupled It doesn't.  But it's not like wingers care about accuracy.  They're just trying to scare you.
Gateway Pundit: "The democrats in Congress finally jumped into action. The tax-and-spend liberals decided the best thing they could do to help out in the Gulf after the disastrous oil spill was to quadruple the gas tax."
Wrong, assclown.  Learn to read.  Oh wait...easier to just lie.  He's a winger.

Raising the tax on imported oil would make us less likely to import oil...isn't that what the Republicans want us to do for "national energy security" so that we don't import as much oil from "dangerous regimes" and reward them with our dollars?   Gotta love how these knee-jerk mouth-breathers instantly rush to defend the oil companies from having to pay for cleanups in the future by outright lying.

Nobody should be surprised.  Watch "Democrats are going to quadruple the gas tax" become the new "Obama was born in Kenya".


1 comment:

  1. Do you think the Big Bad Oil Companies (BBOC) will just pay the extra cost, or will they pass that on down to the consumer?

