Sunday, May 23, 2010

Last Call

Joe Sestak says the White House offered him a job.  This would have precluded him from running against Arlen Specter in the primary if he had accepted the position.  If Sestak had accepted the job...umm...wouldn't have everyone known that Joe Sestak was working for the White House instead of running against Arlen Specter?  Kind of hard to hide the fact you're working for the White House.

Point is if Joe Sestak had accepted said job, it would have been public knowledge.  So if it really was a big secret of some sort, it would have been the worst secret in Washington.  The wingers are going completely apeshit on this one, calling for everything from a special prosecutor to articles of impeachment against Obama over this.

If this really somehow is an impeachable offense (because while it's absolutely scuzztastic and terrible, I'm not sure what laws were broken here) then Obama would be the dumbest President ever for doing this, because if Sestak had accepted the job, everyone would have known he got a job at the White House to not run against Arlen Specter.  The Politico story acknowledges an "unnamed White House official" offered the job, and that doing so is a potential felony.

If this really is illegal, know I guess Obama really does deserve to get impeached.  Which is why I don't think it's illegal.  I wouldn't think Obama's political guys were this stupid if this was illegal, because it would have been instant lose-lose for even offering Sestak a position if it was impeachable, ya dig?

I dunno about this one.  90% sure this is Obama Derangement Syndrome at its finest.  On the other hand, Sestak needs to point out who offered him the job, and the White House should immediately dismiss the person.  If Sestak is telling the truth, somebody's head needs to roll (it's a Bushian paradox here, like so many of the last White House's staff, either the person(s) in question are committing a felony or an incompetent moron, either way they need to be fired.)

If Sestak's lying (no point in this either unless he lost, so since he won the primary why "confirm" it now?) then he's in real trouble.

None of this makes sense.  It's a stupid, amateur thing to do.

1 comment:

  1. It makes perfect sense if the Obama administration is run by amateur Chicago Way thugs who were never any smarter than Bush's crew. Your theory is that somebody's a fool or a crook and either way the responsibility for that stops at the desk in the Oval Office.

    Obama is in serious trouble here, and you know it.
