Friday, May 28, 2010

Low Nooners

Nooners hits a new Village Obama Derangement Syndrome low, and that's really saying something.
I don't see how the president's position and popularity can survive the oil spill. This is his third political disaster in his first 18 months in office. And they were all, as they say, unforced errors, meaning they were shaped by the president's political judgment and instincts.

There was the tearing and unnecessary war over his health-care proposal and its cost. There was his day-to-day indifference to the views and hopes of the majority of voters regarding illegal immigration. And now the past almost 40 days of dodging and dithering in the face of an environmental calamity. I don't see how you politically survive this.

The president, in my view, continues to govern in a way that suggests he is chronically detached from the central and immediate concerns of his countrymen. This is a terrible thing to see in a political figure, and a startling thing in one who won so handily and shrewdly in 2008. But he has not, almost from the day he was inaugurated, been in sync with the center. The heart of the country is thinking each day about A, B and C, and he is thinking about X, Y and Z. They're in one reality, he's in another. 
This goes on for another 1000 words or so, how Obama is just the worst, most incompetent, most aloof, most detached, most wrong President of wrongess that wrongosity has ever spawned in the history of wrongkind, and all of this is just so blindingly obvious after just 18 months that Nooners is just in shock, you see.

Your liberal media is in the tank for Obama, right?  She just completely blows a gasket here and goes full firebagger in the end, declaring the Obama presidency over, and every just really HATES HATES HATES the guy, right?  Best part:
But Republicans should beware, and even mute their mischief. We're in the middle of an actual disaster. When they win back the presidency, they'll probably get the big California earthquake. And they'll probably blow it. Because, ironically enough, of a hard core of truth within their own philosophy: when you ask a government far away in Washington to handle everything, it will handle nothing well.  
Damn that government for not stopping earthquakes and oil spills and stuff!  Because the frre market can fix it, right?

I salute you madam.  This column will go down in infamy.  Sully finishes her off:
The premise of Noonan's moronic column is that the federal government, especially the president, should be capable of ending an oil-pipe rupture owned and operated by private companies, using technology that only deep-sea oil companies deploy or understand. And if such a technical issue is not resolved by government immediately, it reveals paralyzing presidential weakness and the failure of an entire branch of political philosophy. Again: seriously? It's Obama's fault that under Bush and Cheney, government regulation of oil exploration was so poor and corrupt, corner cutting appears to have been routine? And this, Peggy, is what governments do, even when run by crazy-ass liberals. Governments do not dig for oil; they merely regulate those who dig for oil. That the government failed to do so under the previous administration does not seem to me to be proof that this administration has failed. 
Too true.  This is Village Idiocy, even for the Village Idiots.


  1. Buyer's remorse yet, America?

    She's just finally come to the conclusion I did two years ago: Obama's an inexperienced, incompetent empty suit and always has been. The really pathetic part is that Peggy Noonan and her liberal media friends are solely responsible for Obama being President in the first place.

    She is 110% right because the Obama-nation is OVER. Your man is done Zandar. That must really hurt. Perhaps you'll become a former liberal like myself after Clinton...

  2. Obama's approval rating jumped 10 points overnight on Rasmussen.

    Obama-nation yet lives!

  3. he has not, almost from the day he was inaugurated, been in sync with the center.

    He wanted people to associate the disaster with BP and not him. When your most creative thoughts in the middle of a disaster revolve around protecting your position, you are summoning trouble. When you try to dodge ownership of a problem, when you try to hide from responsibility, life will give you ownership and responsibility the hard way

    So very true

    Also Sully is an idiot. It's not that they don't understand the technology, it's that they sat back and pointed the finger. Also he's using the same thing all you liberals do when all else fails, find a way to pin it to Bush.

    Fail strategy is fail.

    Strange: Yes but he is down overall for the month...stop being like Z and grasping to hope. he will have good days and he will have bad days but overall he will ultimately fail as he has done so far.

  4. Also the article is right about the Health Care debacle

    More people want it repealed now more than ever.

    I guess Nancy was wrong, the more we find out about the bill the less we like it..

  5. "He wanted people to associate the disaster with BP and not him"

    The SOB! All those years when Obama could have been monitoring offshore drilling, using the expertise he picked up from his father's offshore drilling equipment company, the power of the presidency, and his multitude of connections with the oil industry! Yet during his administration, the Department of Minerals was notoriously corrupt and infamously lax, preferring to have sex/do cocaine with oil industry execs they were supposed to be regulating! President obama should be ashamed of---

    ----oh, did I say Obama? Where is my head today? President Bush, of course.

  6. No argument on the poll numbers, Waffles.

    By the end of his second term, I fully expect to see him down to the high 30s.

  7. These guys are your reinforcements, Zandar?

    Wow...I don't know how to tell you this, but...

    Anyone who thinks Obama is getting a second term needs a good swift kick in the ass back to reality...he's done. Three disasters, three strikes...yer out!

  8. So, you really think Mitt can pull it off?

  9. What with the AK Frozen CheezKake's MooseBull Party Candidacy and all?

  10. Heaven forbid the president get involved in a situation.

    Polly, you're trying to say hes not responsible at all when Obama just stated

    “In case you were wondering who's responsible, I take responsibility,"

    "It is my job to make sure that everything is done to shut this down."


    So which is it?

  11. You know, you're right.

    Obama's making a dangerous mistake trying to cover for Bush.

  12. Yes he did this from his home in Texas, I'm sure BP has video on their oil cam that shows him there!

    Fail. harder.

  13. Waffles, oh, please. So WHICH IS IT POLLY? No no no, Just answer the question WHICH?

    What is this, the cafeteria back table at Wilbur Mills Middle School?

    All right, I'll answer the question, but I'll go the way yr. beloved Half-Governor Sharpie would: I may not follow format the way you'd like me to:

    Obama, as usual, ought to say, "I take full responsibility for cleaning up yet another mess that stems directly from the disastrous, greedy, irresponsible, crony-ridden, inept, insane mismanagement of the eight years, and perhaps twenty-eight years, preceeding my sixteen months."

    Now as I recall, Waffles, you are of the belief that whoever posts the last word, wins the argument. Well, I have to go to work, so guess what! All you have to do now is post, because I'm letting you win! Congratulations, and enjoy the moment!

  14. Sad, Zandar. Very sad. You were better off with nobody defending you...

    The campaign commercial in 2012: Obama's Cairo speech, followed by footage of Fort Hood, the underwear bomber, and the NYC bomber. Footage of the Obamacare bill signing, followed by footage of the rallies of hundreds of thousands against Obamacare. Footage of Obama's statement that offshore drilling is safe, followed by the footage of Louisiana beaches. Footage of Obama at the stimulus bill signing, followed by the unemployment rate.

    Obama loses by double digits to anyone in 2012.

    That's the last word!

  15. That would be a kick-ass piece of Tea Party porno, right up to the point you have to flash the candidate's face at the end.

    MA Crypto-Liberal Mitt? The Socialist Commissar of Alaska?

    Then again, maybe if Scott Brown continues to bulk-up his Conservative bona fides, he'll be ready to roll by 2011. And he looks GREAT naked.

  16. Nice try. Add some more footage to that commercial from today:

    "I ultimately take responsibility for solving this crisis. I'm the president and the buck stops with me."

    Not for long...

  17. Hmm...Polly you are some kind of special.

    Why did Obama suddenly say that hes responsible and in charge? Because it was the right thing to do? Actions speak louder than words and lets face it, he wouldn't have to be telling the press who's in charge and who's responsible if he were doing his job. They would know by his actions

    Obama had to say it because he was standing back, finger pointing and the GOP called him on it. Now he's backpedaling and looking weak.

    Also, it's not a case of "Who posts last wins" its a case of "When you speak, you're ignorant, therefore you lose" But hey be like your president and point the finger, blame Bush because no child left behind didn't assist you in your ability to comprehend a situation, because well we all know, when all else fails, blame Bush.

    Bush has been gone for a while now, this President owns it. The more time he spends finger pointing and not making decisions the weaker he looks.

    Fail argument is fail Polly, but it's ok I <3 you anyway :-)
