Friday, May 28, 2010

Specifically Not Feelin' Randy, Part 6

I was wondering when Rand Paul was going to weigh in on immigration.  And by "weigh in" I mean "reveal himself once again to be nothing more than a wingnut lunatic".
Paul recently suggested to a Russian TV station that the U.S. should abandon its policy of granting citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants -- even if they're born on U.S. soil.

Paul also said he's discussed instituting an "underground electrical fence" on the border to keep out unwanted elements, though he emphasized that he's "not opposed to letting people come in and work and labor in our country."

The real problem, Paul said, is that the U.S. "shouldn't provide an easy route to citizenship" because of "demographics."

According to Paul, the proportion of Mexican immigrants that register as Democrats is 3-to-1, so of course "the Democrat Party is for easy citizenship."

He added: "We're the only country that I know that allows people to come in illegally, have a baby, and then that baby becomes a citizen. And I think that should stop also."

The 14th Amendment grants citizenship to anyone born in the United States, regardless of whether or not their parents are U.S. citizens.
Imagine that. Rand Paul, running as a Republican, thinks the Constitution should be amended because the 14th Amendment "helps the Democrats."   You know there Rand, the 13th Amendment gave rights to slaves and former slaves, and the 15th gave minorities the right to vote, and those are helping Democrats too, right?  Maybe you should get your GOP buddies to craft legislation to effectively repeal those like they are trying to do with the 14th.

What "libertarian" would want the government to repeatedly check papers of people to see if they are given the government-granted title of citizen, anyway?   Oh right, "Rand Paul libertarians".  Better known as Teabaggers.


  1. You are being purposely dense again.

    Why are democrats all for amnesty for illegals? Because whoever gives them those rights is who they will vote for, and they will vote for them for a long time. Newflash the Dems do not care about them one bit outside of the vote they cast.

    Also it's true, if you're here illegally and have a baby it shouldn't be a citizen. YOU AREN'T. That's LOGICAL.

    Also in a prior comment I referenced a ruling stating that

    In approving a state trooper's arrest of persons who appeared to be illegal aliens, the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit held, simply, as follows: "A state trooper has general investigative authority to inquire into possible immigration violations."

    Guess they were just "tea baggers"

    Are you going to be this dumb the whole way to the election? It seems the closer and closer we've gotten the more extreme you have become in defending Obama and looking for reasons to assault republicans.

    There are enough legit issues that you don't have to stretch to find one on both sides.

    Riddle me this, why do you think it's a-ok to break the law and come here illegally?

  2. Zandar do you ever get tired of screaming into the darkness in your own mind?

    You've really lost it lately, Waffles and I keep dismantling every post you throw up, nobody bothers to defend you, and it's really quite pathetic.

    Maybe you really should give it up.

  3. Or even though it makes for less interesting reading post something more center instead of so damn far to the left. I'm really not a right wing extremist, I actually post in conservative blogs making points about why they're wrong as well.

    You really need to realize that Obama is not some savior, very few Presidents actually are. Hence the reason you can count on almost one hand all the really good ones in history.
