Monday, May 17, 2010

There She Is, Miss Indignation

The Miss USA pageant crowned a winner last night and made history as Michigan's Rima Fakih became the first Arab-American to win the tiara.  The 24 year-old Muslim beat out 50 other contestants.  Needless to say, the wingers are going absolutely berserk.  Cue Malkinvania and friends in 3...  But it gets worse.  The woman Fakih beat?  She was plugging Arizona's immigration law.
Miss Oklahoma USA Morgan Elizabeth Woolard was named first runner-up after handling a question about Arizona’s new immigration law. Woolard said she supports the law, which requires police enforcing another law to verify a person’s immigration status if there’s “reasonable suspicion” that the person is in the country illegally.
She said she’s against illegal immigration but is also against racial profiling.
“I’m a huge believer in states’ rights. I think that’s what’s so wonderful about America. So I think it’s perfectly fine for Arizona to create that law.
A Muslim beats out a white girl from Oklahoma over Arizona's papers, please law.  You can't buy this level of outrage as Roy Edroso explains:
Debbie Schlussel, who informed us that Miss Michigan Rima Fakih was funded by supporters of Hamas and Hezbollah (I guess that means they bought gowns for her), now suggests that her elevation to Miss USA may have been "rigged," and declares that "Barack Obama will exploit this as propaganda for Islam." Why does pageant owner Donald Trump hate America?

Michelle Malkin, seeing she'd been beaten to the Muslim-bashing punch, is reduced to muttering, "She nearly tripped over her gown."

These people are just mad they're not old enough to have protested Jackie Robinson signing with the Dodgers.
No doubt.  It was rigged by the massive Muslim conspiracy that has controlled America since 900 AD as wingnut wanker Daniel Pipes opines.
On his blog yesterday, Pipes pointed out five other Muslim women who've won beauty contests in the U.S., Britain and France over the last five years.

"They are all attractive, but this surprising frequency of Muslims winning beauty pageants makes me suspect an odd form of affirmative action," he wrote.

That "suspicion is borne out," he wrote, because of one pageant winner at North Carolina A&T University who wore a hijab under her crown.

Pipes does not explain why Miss A&T's hijab proves his suspicion that a handful of Muslim beauty pageant winners are the result of some "odd form of affirmative action." 
They're not even trying to hide the racism anymore, folks.


  1. And if the white girl had won, you would be crying racism.

  2. Actually, I wouldn't give a damn since beauty pageants are kind of pointless to begin with.

    After all, it's not like white women never win these things.

  3. The only crying I find on this blog are in its comments section. It's amusing that Zandar leaves them posted so everyone can appreciate the fucktardedness of his ass-munching coworkers.

    All that blame and recrimination, and a ceaseless effort to convert Zandar to RWNJism. Reminds me of mom.

    About victims and the poor little white girl:

    Go ahead, and without Googling it, name the woman who beat Carrie Prejean for Miss USA.

    Didn't think you could.

    Little Miss Minuteman has a ticket to the Wingnut Welfare circuit as long as she hasn't done too much porn.

  4. Yes all bow before Zandar, he doesn't do his job during the day but at least he leaves comments saying "Hey you're not doing your job!" up..

