Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Unleash Joe Biden, Kaganology Edition

Joe, we love you, you are our hero.
Vice President Joe Biden said on Good Morning America today that Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan "was right" to block military recruiters from Harvard Law School.

While serving as the school's dean, Kagan blocked military recruiters from the campus because of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" -- which Biden called "a very bad policy."

Biden was asked, "She's also raised some eyebrows, of course, well documented, when her time there at Harvard, the way that she banned military recruiters there on campus because of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" rule. I wanna ask you, not to get into that in particular, but I wanna ask you, was she right or wrong in doing that?"

"Well, she was right," Biden said. "Let me put this quickly in perspective. For 20 years before she came there military recruiters were not allowed on the campus in the same way other recruiters were."
Actually, it's pretty well universal opinion on the left and the right that Kagan was wrong in doing this.  Banning a federal government institution like the military from Harvard really is silly.  Having said that, conservatives want to know why Kagan "hates America and the military" and all that other crap that comes up whenever questioning the Pentagon is involved.  But banning all military recruiters on campus because you don't agree with Don't Ask, Don't Tell is also pretty ham-handed too.  Anyone who wants to join the military is still going to go.

And Biden pretty well stomped in this mudhole, assuring that the GOP will see it as fair game to lay into Kagan.  The problem is DADT of course, but that's a different battle.  Or should be.

Thanks Joe.  You're being helpful like a seven-year old helps with painting the house.

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