Sunday, May 23, 2010

Warning Signs

Rand Paul may be a laughing stock across the country right now, but here in Kentucky he's the top thoroughbred.
Republican U.S. Senate nominee Rand Paul pitched his campaign message of smaller government and tighter spending to more than 200 of the state's top GOP leaders Saturday during a unity rally intended to knit together the party.

Speaking before U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Trey Grayson, whom he beat for the Senate nomination, Paul stayed on message in an address that lasted less than four minutes and steered clear of his recent controversial media comments about civil rights, the Gulf oil spill and a fatal Kentucky coal mine accident.

"Let's limit government," said Paul, who defeated Grayson, the candidate McConnell backed, by a blistering 23 points in Tuesday's primary. "Let's keep government out of our lives and let's allow America's greatness to thrive and be the great beacon in the world once again."

He declined to speak to reporters after the event.
Smart idea.  The person I'm most interested in talking about Rand Paul right now is the man running against him, Jack Conway, and Conway's MIA.  If Conway doesn't get his stuff together and damn soon to take on Paul, it's the GOP who are going to define the narrative with the "Mean Ol' Lie-brul Media" attacking pure snow Rand and that will rally Kentucky voters around "One of our boys".

Having this nutjob AND Mitch McConnell represent me as Senators is something I really would rather not inflict on the rest of the country, but here's the deal...the rest of the country doesn't matter one goddamn bit in this election.  It's a Kentucky affair, so if the Dems want this open seat pickup, it's time for the DSCC to go into action.

Luckily, they are starting to get it into gear with commercials like this:

More of this please.  Rand's got big money to play with down here.  Give Conway a fighting chance, guys.

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