Friday, June 4, 2010

Laura Bush Helps Clean Up The Mess In The Gulf

Not Obama's, she's helping rehabilitate her husband's broken image.
"I think they're doing everything they can do. Absolutely. Just like we did with [Hurricane] Katrina," Bush, 63, told "Good Morning America" anchor Robin Roberts in an interview taped Wednesday that aired today. "You know, it's not one person's responsibility. The president can't do every single thing there is to do."
She's good, I'll give her that much. Comparing her husband's efforts during Katrina to Obama's in the Gulf and saying "Well gosh there's no way either President can do anything more" is a terribly backhanded compliment.

The problem is while Obama could be doing more in the Gulf, Bush could have done a lot more in New Orleans after Katrina and didn't.  Trying to rehabilitate Dubya's image by using Obama's cleanup efforts in the Gulf is pretty low, even for Republicans.  Sending Laura Bush out to do it is either brilliant or borderline repugnant.

It's probably a bit of both.  Let's not forget that the Republicans are actively comparing the Gulf oil mess to Katrina and they're using a former First Lady to do it.

That's low, even for them.


  1. Here's the reality.

    "While we dream about a new energy system that is decades in the future, the prices that consumers will have to pay for things like gasoline, electricity, and diesel would just skyrocket" if America halts offshore driller, Shell VP Hofmeister tells Aaron and Henry in the accompanying segment. "Prices could get to the point where fixed-income and low-income people are simply taken out of the personal mobility marketplace, which would be a shock and unnecessary because of our unwillingness to produce domestic resources."

    But as Aaron asks: "People also don't want oil washing up on their beaches, whether it's in the Gulf of Mexico or Florida or maybe up the East Coast. Do you that think the American public is going to say, 'We don't want you drilling at all offshore?' "

    Only if the American public is willing "to accept $6 to $8 [per gallon] gasoline as the alternative, when they can get it," Hofmeister replies.

    Shortages. Gas 2x-3x more expensive. Our economy shuts down overnight.

    We've got to drill somewhere and we've got to drill now. As it is this interruption in new sources of oil will assuredly raise the price of gas and electricity in the future. The longer Obama's idiotic moratorium goes on the more we'll all pay.

  2. And there's now almost no daylight between the number of Americans who blame BP and blame Obama for this mess.

    "Sixty-three percent of those surveyed said the Obama administration should be doing more in response to the spill, while 28 percent believe the government is doing all it can. BP scored slightly worse - 70 percent feel the company should be doing more while 24 percent believe it's doing everything possible to contain the crisis."

    Every week this oil spill goes on, the Democrats lose another seat in the House. Every month this spill goes on, they lose another seat in the Senate.

  3. Holy crap. Arcadian says stuff. Sheesh. What a load of crap.

    Dear Lord of Hosts, please deliver me from this bullsh*t.
