Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Not Going To Happen

Jon Cohn talks climate legislation:
I don't think this means the situation is hopeless. I heard plenty of dire predictions about health care reform, right up until the day it passed. As Brad and others have written, some of the possible compromises would represent worthwhile, if far from adequate, progress. But even those compromises won't pass without a bigger push.
That bigger push is not coming.  Democrats can't even get jobs bills passed right now.  The Republicans have their target in health care reform so there's no reason anything else will pass now.  Their base will not let them.  Anything that does pass is a victory for Obama, and that cannot be allowed to happen as far as the Republicans are concerned.  jobs legislation will not pass.  Financial Regulation will not pass.  Climate legislation will not pass.  Nothing will pass.  I have my doubts that Elena Kagan will pass.  Republicans will blame the Dems and hope for gains in November.

That's the plan.

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