Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Playing The Paranoia Angle, Part 3

Sharon Angle is the gift that keeps on giving.  Harry Reid must be smiling like it's Christmas and his birthday rolled into one.

Adding to her troubles, Angle said in an interview with a local Nevada affiliate that the country’s unemployed are “spoiled“:
ANGLE: You can make more money on unemployment then you can going down and getting one of those jobs that is an honest job, but [] doesn’t pay as much. And so that’s what’s happened to us is that we have put in so much entitlement into our government that we really have spoiled our citizenry and said “you don’t want the jobs that are available.”
And in a campaign appearance last month, the GOP Senate nominee said she has no interest in bringing jobs to her state:
ANGLE: As your U.S. Senator, I’m not in the business of creating jobs. … People ask me, “What are you gonna do to develop jobs in your state?” Well that’s not my job as a U.S. Senator — to bring industry to this state. That’s the lieutenant governor’s job, that’s your state senator’s and assemblymen’s job, that’s your secretary of state’s job to make a climate here in the state that says, “Y’all come.”
OK, so Sharon Angle's official position as Senator is "not in charge of job development".  That's bad enough, given Nevada's 14% unemployment rate.  It of course gets worse:
Yet despite her claim that a senator’s job is not to bring jobs to the state, Angle attacked Reid specifically for not bringing jobs to Nevada. From an interview interview with Human Events this week:
HUMAN EVENTS: What are the three reasons why Harry Reid needs to go come November?
ANGLE: Fourteen percent unemployment in the state of Nevada, the highest foreclosure rate in the nation in Nevada, and the highest rate of bankruptcy in Nevada. That is where people have really held Harry Reid accountable because Harry Reid doesn’t care about their jobs. He doesn’t care that they are having trouble staying in their homes and that’s why Harry Reid needs to be fired.
Apparently, Angle's angle is to have it both ways.


  1. Well it's clearly unheard of in politics to change your mind when the wind blows.

    I think Nevada should hold Harry Reid accountable for the states unemployment rate. He was responsible for the stimulus in the Senate. Obama predicted unemployment would peak at 8%. We all know how well that went, but that wasn't enough. We had to trust Harry to get Health Care Reform done (Ben Nelson and Mary Landrieu anyone?) Not to mention voting to pass Health Care Reform against the wishes of the American people.

    Like he said
    "You'll find a number of states that are treated differently than other states. That's what legislating is all about. It's compromise,"
    Meaning, "Hey if we have to give you something to help you get re-elected for your vote, fine..."

    I'm not one way or the other on Angle vs. Reid because I'm sure she has more skeletons in her closet, what I am sure of is people who have spent too much time in Washington need to go. It's obvious they've lost touch with reality by their actions.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. angle hasn't spent much time in washington and doesn't seem to be in touch with much of anything a sane or compassionate person would agree with. of course you're not rooting for the republicans in 2010, that would be so partisan and idiotic. you just want new blood in washington. asshole.

  4. Well isn't politics about picking the lesser of two evils?

    Or do you blindly follow someone?

    Nevermind, I already know the answer..

    Still failing
