Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Playing The Paranoia Angle, Part 5

Sharron Angle just needs to stop talking to the press, period.  Every time she opens her mouth, she just makes things worse.  Nevada reporter Jon Ralston asked Angle about her statement on the Second Amendment and "taking Harry Reid out."
"A lot of people think that's pretty outrageous rhetoric," Ralston said, referring to the language about "take Harry Reid out," and asked Angle whether she thought President Obama was a tyrant comparable to King George III.

"Well, I was speaking broadly, as you saw, about the Constitution, and that was the context of that rhetoric," Angle responded. "I admit that was a little strong to say 'take him out,' but you know what I meant. I meant take him out of office, and taking him out of office is a little different. I changed my rhetoric, to 'defeat Harry Reid.'"

Ralston continued to ask Angle whether she had gone too far.

"You know what, Jon," Angle responded, "I think it's interesting that we're nitpicking on all the little topics that Harry is putting out there."

"Harry Reid didn't put this out there," an excited Ralston said. "You put it out there."

Angle then appeared to switch topics, responding that she thought Reid should instead come and debate her on the main issues. "Why did we put all that money into a stimulus," Angle said, among other economic issues.
Yes, why should anyone talk about the things Sharron Angle doesn't want to talk about?  It's not like politicians should be asked about their past political statements when running for the US Senate.  Gosh, why isn't Ralston asking softball questions?


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