Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Putting All Your Chips In With A Two-Seven Off Suit

For you non Texas Hold-Em fanatics out there, that title means literally betting everything you have on the worst hand possible.  For you political junkies, you'll recognize the metaphor's meaning as AmSpec's Peter Ferarra boldly predicts that President Obama will be forced to resign Nixon-style well before November 2012.

What follows would be the sharpest, most prescient satire of right-wing talking points about Obama I've read in some time if it wasn't for the fact that Ferarra is dead serious:  worst-case scenarios for the oil disaster lasting years, Joe Sestak's job offer becoming an impeachable offense, the economy plunging into a full-blown depression, gas prices spiking about $4 a gallon, and on top of that Iran nuking Israel.

You know, if all that happened on any President's watch:  Chuck Norris, Neo from the Matrix, Jesus Christ...yeah, they'd have to resign too.

But Ferarra going all in that this is guaranteed to happen?  Priceless.  Future Stupidity files ahoy!


  1. Ahh, but it's not happening to any of those guys, it's happening to somebody far less able, intelligent, or talented.

    I happen to believe if even one of those happens, Obama will at the very least be told he will not run for re-election. My money is on the oil disaster, a depression, and $4 gallon gas (actually $5 or more.) Obama will be a one-term President, this is assured. Will he resign before that single term is up...well I don't know, but the odds are not in his favor I would say...

  2. No Arcadian he won't resign. He thinks he's doing a great job.

    We need to kick him out of office in 2012.

  3. I still say after massive, historic losses in 2010 that he will be forced not to run in 2012 or forced to resign, depending.
