Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Real Deal Appeal Of Repeal, Part 5

Tim Kaine and the DNC are pretty confident that health care reform legislation is growing on the American people.  While the Tea Party crowd is screaming for repeal and defunding, the GOP leadership has been skating around the point.

Now the Dems are taunting the Republicans and daring them to play the repeal card.  TPM's Christina Bellantoni:
Democrats on Thursday will launch a new 60-second ad on national cable television accusing repeal-happy Republicans of wanting to get rid of health care reform and all its benefits. The ad, obtained by TPMDC, is timed to coincide with the government mailing to seniors the first $250 Medicare rebate checks fixing the so-called prescription drug "donut hole."

The ad is titled "We Can't Afford To Go Back." It outlines the positive parts of the health care law signed by President Obama this spring and charges, "Republicans want to take it all away."
I've learned that DNC Chairman Tim Kaine on Thursday will dare Republicans to make repeal the focus of their fall campaign to try and win back control of Congress, challenging the GOP to tell senior citizens and others benefiting from health care exactly which parts of the reform law they'd scrap.
Yeah, defunding the donut hole checks and allowing insurance companies to drop your coverage based on pre-existing conditions.  I bet millions of people are lining up to see that happen.  Repeal's a loser and the GOP knows is, and it's exactly because of ads like this.  The Dems are opening up with both barrels on this and that's smart politics.

So go ahead, Republicans.  Run on taking all that away.


  1. "So go ahead, Republicans. Run on taking all that away."

    Be careful what you wish for. I'm betting when the uemployment rate is still around ten percent next January and the GOP controls Congress, the first order of business will be giving Obamacare's tax increases to pay for all this back to the American people.

    Somehow, I don't think they'll mind.

  2. 58% still favor repeal


    This hasn't been in the news for how many months now? There has been the BP oil spill, Israel, Financial Reform, Immigration, N Korea, Sestak, Romanoff, etc going on and 58% still remember. That's bad news for the Dems. They were hoping with all the distractions this would fade and it hasn't. If the GOP makes it their focus point again that number will rise.

  3. I know that reading Rasmussen polls feeds your fantasy that you're not actually a tiny pathetic minority of racist monsters that is going extinct as we speak, but in the real world, not even a majority of Republicans want to repeal the mandate.

  4. "Still, the unpopularity of the individual mandate means that Democrats aren’t out of the woods just yet. "

    Regardless of the poll, the truth remains constant. Plus the constitutional challenges to it. Also don't forget states taking it upon themselves to pass laws blocking the individual mandate.

    Still completely lost Allan

  5. Because what Americans want their Congress to do right now is spend MORE time on the issue of health care. Real Americans feel that we need several years more of constant carping about health care from congress members and talking heads. Real Americans just LOVE talking about health care reform. Why, it's the first thing Real Americans think about when they wake up and the last thing before they go to sleep. Just ask any American what they want Congress to work on and they'll say "Health care reform!"

    You're really way off on American priorities, Booger. Pew polls in May show that voters are slightly MORE likely to support a candidate who voted FOR health insurance reform.

    Financial bailouts, on the other hand, are tremendously unpopular.

    If you were a smart rightwing strategist instead of a Booger Eating Moron and troll, you would recognize that health care repeal is NOT a winning issue for you and you would stick to demagoguing and misrepresenting the history of financial bailouts instead.

    I'm not lost, Booger Eater. You are. I'm offering you a guide rope back to reality, but if you reject it, you'll just keep wandering here in the wilderness, subsisting on your boogers and dingleberries. You are probably infested with worms as wellby now.

  6. It's truly difficult to argue with someone who ignores facts.

    If you've been paying attention this whole time then you know I was right about the CBO scoring of the bill being completely inaccurate because Congress would not allow the 21% cut for Medicaid to happen. That cut was a portion of the "savings" we could have with HCR. Poll after poll shows that actually Americans don't want the BS the Government is serving. Time after time I've listed reasons as to why you should not let Government control this (Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare all abysmally failing) yet you continue to trust them. You're like a dog, you get kicked and just come back wagging your tail.

    You fit the very definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

    Just keep coming back for more.

    Fail Harder

  7. "You fit the very definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

    Says the person who comments on every Zandar post to tell him he's wrong, expecting Zandar to change.

  8. Again, a window in your stomach would help you see better.

    He's actually came back to center on a number of issues, then I go away for a day and he falls back to the left. Were you paying attention to the entire Israel situation where he agreed with me?

    Probably not.

    Continue. To. Fail.

  9. I'm reminded of the Marshall McLuhan scene from Annie Hall.

    I happen to have Zandar right here.
