Saturday, June 19, 2010

Specifically Not Feelin' Randy, Part 8

Rand Paul has the solution for Kentucky's long-term unemployed when the jobless rate is near 10%:  Get a job, you lazy bastards!
“In Europe, they give about a year of unemployment. We’re up to two years now in America,” Paul said on Sue Wylie’s WVLK-AM 590 radio program.

“As bad as it sounds, ultimately we do have to sometimes accept a wage that’s less than we had at our previous job in order to get back to work and allow the economy to get started again,” Paul said. “Nobody likes that, but it may be one of the tough love things that has to happen.”

Paul was responding to a question from Wylie about Thursday’s Senate Republican filibuster of a $120 billion package of additional jobless benefits and state aid. Tens of thousands of Americans will have exhausted their unemployment benefits this month without that extension.

Paul said he supports the filibuster. If the Senate thinks the bill is necessary, it needs to find the money to pay for it elsewhere in the federal budget rather than add to the $13 trillion national debt, he said.

“It’s all a matter of making priorities,” Paul said. “Some tough decisions will have to be made.”
Because when you've got a mortgage payment or rent, car payment, day care, groceries, and credit card bills to pay, taking a job at McDonald's for a fraction of what you were earning (and less that what unemployment was giving you) will solve all your problems.  That is if the McDonald's manager wants to actually hire somebody overqualified when they've got 6 applications for every open position.

America can't afford to help you any longer because we're too busy with tax cuts for the rich and for corporations.  The Senate Millionaires Club is just disgusted with how lazy you are.  If you were really a hard worker, Kentucky, then you'd be rich like they were.

The Rand-publican solution:  get a job, you hippie!  You know, even though there's more people than jobs now.  Why haven't you started your own successful small business yet?


  1. I'll settle for one year of unemployment as long as I can have all the other social safety nets afforded to those Europeans, Rand. Those Europeans aren't forking over big bucks under COBRA to continue their health insurance, for starters...

  2. i'd probably find glibertarians funny if i could stop the projectile vomiting that invariably occurs whenever i'm exposed to their social darwinist bullshit.

  3. “In Europe, they give about a year of unemployment. We’re up to two years now in America,” Paul said.


    Would it shock you to know that a cursory web search finds an incredible diversity of approaches to unemployment benefits across Europe? Or that the US ranks on the lower end of the range of what percentage of a person's income is replaced? Or that many of these European programs are supplemented with other programs to assist with rent, etc.? Or that unless he can provide some good supporting evidence, Rand Paul's source for facts is his flaming asshole?
