Thursday, June 3, 2010

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

Hey America?  With everything that's going wrong in the world, with an American dead among those killed by Israel, the Gulf oil spill heading for Florida, the economy down and the markets tanking again today, with North Korea threatening war, and things generally falling apart...

...why does Jim Joyce's blown call ruining Armando Galarraga's perfect game matter in the least to our elected officials?

Frankly, you guys have bigger. f'cking.  problems. to solve.

I suggest you work on them.


  1. No one knows what evil lurks in the heart of men, except for I.

    And I know something else, a fancy cell phone used for playing games, and a shiny blog used for the repetition of talking points, it is no match for the harsh truth of reality.

    You're here spitting up pre-made talking points that are being fed to you like table scraps, and you're happy to get them. You regurgitate them here for the benefit of...nobody?

    And you're happily sitting around blogging about nothing to no one, instead of doing the job that people have decided to pay you to do.

    You need change in your life.

  2. I've been saying that for a month now.

    Look, nobody cares about your blog, man. Move on. You're bitter, angry, and it's clearly impacting your life.

    Look at all the people telling you to give it up.

    You might want to listen.

  3. First, ignore the trolls. Your blog is great.
    While I agree that elected officials shouldn't waste their time on the "blown call", I see why it's getting a lot of attention. For baseball fans (and there are a lot of us) this highlighted the controversy between tradition and technology. The replay debate has been brought to the forefront.
    Sometimes, we need a break from all the bad news, and Gallarraga's classy response to the bad call is truly uplifting.

  4. "Look at all the people telling you to give it up".

    Let's see, I've seen Captain Sour Grapes and Lieutenant Condescending Douchebag (that's you, Arcadian, if you're wondering). Not sure if Waffles has, but I've not been paying attention to him lately, so I can't say anything about that.

    That's not exactly a good argument, just sayin'. Although, let's be fair, I've not seen Sour Grapes around here lately. Maybe I've not noticed?

  5. Oh hey, can't forget Angry Threatening Dude.

    Still not a good record.
