Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Crusaders Of Opposite Land

Steve M. makes an outstanding point this morning about "America's toughest sheriff", Arizona's Joe Arpaio.  Seems the crime rate in Sheriff Joe's beat is up sharply from 2002, while in every other jurisdiction in Arizona, it's down.  There's a much larger point, however:
Arpaio is reputed to be an extremely effective crime-fighter, but the numbers reveal that he actually isn't an effective crime-fighter. It doesn't matter, though, does it? He's a Republican, he's a tough guy, so if crime goes up on his watch, it has to be someone else's fault. Right?

This is the same principle that allows Republicans to believe that the budget-busting Ronald Reagan was actually a deficit hawk and that George W. Bush was actually a valiant defender of America against terrorism despite 9/11.

And it explains why Republicans in Congress have no fear of economic hardship, even when it's self-evidently caused by their actions.

Large numbers of Americans are losing their unemployment benefits? And it's the Republicans' fault? It doesn't matter. Much of the public simply "knows" that Republicans are careful fiscal stewards, while Democrats always destroy the American economy with taxing and spending. They "know" that the way Joe Arpaio's fans "know" he's America's #1 crime-fighter.

And it doesn't matter if we continuing running deficits forever because Republicans block any Democratic attempt to raise taxes, even on the rich. Everyone "knows" that deficits are caused by liberalism, and that right-wingers hate red ink.

The facts just don't matter.
Amen to that.  I will append Steve's theory to say that right now there are two facts that do matter, however:  an unemployment rate just shy of 10% and a black Democrat named Barack Obama in the White House.  And for millions of Americans, that's all that matters.

What are the Republicans going to do differently when they are back in power, people ask.  Simple.  They're not going to be Democrats.  And for tens of millions of Americans that's the only fact they'll ever need at the voting booth.


  1. I sense racist connotations, his skin color is not an issue for anyone but you, and maybe the NAACP...

  2. Is this the same Think Progress video about "Tea Party Racism" that has been proven a total fraud?

    You know like yourself?

    Here's my question. If the NAACP is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, where's the NAAWP for white Americans?

    How is the very existence of the NAACP not racist?

    How then are you not a racist?

    The burden of proof is on you.

  3. ...yeah, okay. Because being pro-African American is exactly the same thing as being against white people.

    It's a zero sum game. Who knew? That's the most idiotic thing I've think I've ever seen.

  4. Actually it's a valid point, if a white equivalent organization existed it would be deemed racist but that's not the point. Just because there are racists in the tea party does not mean that the whole movement is racist.

    Also you changed the subject, the issue was

    "an unemployment rate just shy of 10% and a black Democrat named Barack Obama in the White House. And for millions of Americans, that's all that matters."

    Which is a false statement, millions are not racist.

  5. Stupid is...

    proving that liberals are the Real Racists TM by linking to Confederate Yankee.

  6. Well you can't just disregard what's stated just by the site, I still read the links provided by Z even though we know 90% of them are left leaning
