Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Just To Be Bastards About It

Republicans want to hurt as many Americans as possible out of spite in order to win.
There was quite a bit of attention yesterday afternoon when the Senate, after multiple tries, finally overcame a Republican filibuster on extended unemployment benefits. It was welcome, overdue news.

What got far less attention was what happened next.

Under inexplicable Senate rules, after a filibuster is broken, the minority trying to block passage can delay a final, up-or-down vote for 30 hours. Democrats hoped Republicans would agree to waive this pointless delay, and allow the Senate to vote on jobless aid. Republicans, who know the bill is going to pass anyway, refused without explanation.

Why would they bother? It's not just about Republicans being callous misanthropes -- though that's likely part of it -- it's also a matter of running out the clock. There's just not much time left on the Senate schedule, and the GOP wants to use up as much of the calendar as possible to prevent others bills and nominations from coming to the floor.
Yep, that's right.  They delayed the final vote until late tonight just to be a bunch of assholes and to waste a day of Senate time.   That's what the Republican people really think of the unemployed and the American people.  They think you don't matter as much as it does them winning.

Kick Americans while they're down on top of everything else.  They are nihilist bastards, period.


  1. GOP : America :: Mel Gibson : Oksana.

  2. ROFL, holy hell, Steve, that'd be even more hilarious if it wasn't so apt.

  3. Well look at it long term, if the GOP delays as much legislation as possible until the election it fairs more favorably for them than it does the Dems, by doing nothing it actually helps them win (Only in America...). Even if the GOP wins big they won't have the 2/3 majority needed to override a veto meaning they cannot repeal anything done between now and when they take office. So they are looking at the period of November-January when those who would normally be a lame duck will then not worry about the next election and pass whatever comes their way, and with overwhelming majorities they could conceivably bribe, I'm sorry negotiate with a RINO like Olympia Snowe or Scott Brown and pass any bill they want. If the GOP holds them up and prolongs legislation as much as possible they can curb what they perceive to be as damage.
