Friday, July 9, 2010

Wisconsin Knows How To Paaaaaaar-tay

Especially the Tea Party.  Meet Ernie Pagels, the most off the hizzook playa in the land!
Ernest J. Pagels Jr. is a long shot contender for the Wisconsin GOP Senate primary, vying for the opportunity to run against Sen. Russ Feingold (D) this September. And perhaps there’s a reason. Pagels recently ran an ad on a local Milwaukee television station outlining what he plans fight for as one of Wisconsin’s two U.S. senators:
PAGELS: Hi my name is Ernest J. Pagels Jr., I’m a born again Christian, a U.S. veteran and a very conservative Republican. I’m running for U.S. Senate from the state of Wisconsin and if elected I will initiate a bill to outlaw homosexuality, abortion, and all forms of pornography. I think these are three ills that are plaguing our nation and bringing it down. And if elected, I will also initiate a bill for a Constitutional amendment which prohibits Congress and the President from spending more money than they bring in. My name is Ernest J. Pagels, Jr. and I hope you vote for me on September 14.

No, seriously.  This guy right here.

Teapublicans. The Party of Hell No You Can't.

But hey, at least he's being honest about having no ideas on how to fix our economy and is running solely on a platform of ruining everyone else's day and being a bigoted asshole, right?

1 comment:

  1. It's another case of Rand Paul syndrome, one great idea sprinkled with batshit crazy ideas.
