Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

Yggy on the whole Breitbart/JournoList stupidity:
Beyond the ethics of lying and smear one’s opponents, I would think conservatives would worry about the fact that a large portion of conservative media is dedicated to lying to conservatives. They regard their audience as marks to be misled and exploited, not as customers to be served with useful information.
Short response: horseshit.

Longer expositionary response:  No offense, Yggy, but we're talking about a hefty portion of the population in mass denial by choice here, man. On the contrary, they know exactly what they are getting, a reality better than the one they are in right now, where they are increasingly unemployed, increasingly being passed over, increasingly seeing more and more different cultures come into their neighborhood and increasingly terrified over a rapidly transforming America that's leaving them behind.

They are choosing to consume that reality, where the Tea Party is the most important political movement ever and they control the country for the foreseeable future.  They are willing, active participants in their own delusional cocoons where instead of trying to tackle the problems that are facing us (that reeks of effort) they just go for the path of least resistance and do what the nice people on the TV and the radio tell them to do.  The Republicans and their media enablers get permanent power, and the people get to play the universe's largest game of Better Than Life.

These people are dupes or marks.  They're junkies.  Let's not do them any favors and pretend like mean ol' Glenn Beck is take advantage of the poor Teabaggers.  They're paying him for the privilege of doing it.

You know what this whole "a large portion of conservative media is dedicated to lying to conservatives" thinking got us?  Two wars, and a wrecked economy. It was done on purpose and it's still being done.

Let's not be too naive here.


  1. Says the man who is himself ignoring reality in his own cocoon. Obama can do no wrong, it's either blame Bush, blame spineless Dems, or blame the GOP. Obama is further sinking this ship, taking the deficit how high in how short of a period? Placing a tax on only white people, running on a platform of hope and change that has turned into more of the same. Ignoring the will of the American people and forcing health care on us and looks to further cripple the economy with cap and trade while ignoring the fact that our borders are open and we have millions taking advantage of our compassion. Pushes allies like Israel away while welcoming with open arms a country like Russia that regularly enjoys having other nations scramble their respective air forces because where's the fun in flying if you don't scare the bejesus out of another nation? All the while we continue to fund the worlds most broken organization that can't even place decent sanctions on Iran. Diplomacy has done wonders for the Iran situation? Having friends like Russia/China in high places has helped them greatly. We have North Korea sinking a South Korean ship, but that's not an act of war. The Gulf of Tonkin was, but this, no no no. We have the Justice Department go after Arizona for enforcing Federal laws but won't go after sanctuary cities. You much like Obama are picking and choosing when reality applies.

    What has Obama done for the economy? "It could have been worse..." Yea, 15 million unemployed but thank our lucky stars because it could have been worse. We've only saddled our kids and grandkids with the burden of paying for our mistakes, greed and ignorance while we toy around with Keynesian economics hoping if we just spend a little more, just put a little bit more on that tax payer funded credit card it will fix everything. China owns us. We've spent to the tune of 14 trillion it's time to put away the tax payer paid credit card and tone down the external compassion. Money that isn't helping Americans should not be spent. It's harsh, people in Gaza, Haiti and the like are starving. have no homes, no medicine, etc. but we have to start looking at the long term. If we don't change in the very near future our spending habits we won't have the money to provide the college delicacy of Ramen Noodles to those people, let alone further aid. Leave it entirely to donations from the American people.

    Oh yes and I'm saying it, end the war We can buy the people that want to be free a much nicer sandbox and still be saving money. Also let the Bush tax cuts expire for those making more than 250k. Yes it creates a bit of inequality but in times like this you cannot increase taxes or let a tax cut that those in the middle class have budgeted around expire. Tax cuts like that will work, but only when the economy is running on all cylinders, and right now it's out of gas.

  2. Yes, because I never, ever, ever, ever, ever criticize Obama or his administration.

    If you're going to write delusional screeds about me Waffles, get your own blog so I can choose not to read them. Do me a favor and save me some time from wading through your irrational hatred for the man, the Democratic party, and anyone to the left of the Teabaggers.

  3. You jump to defend him at a moments notice, the only time you jump on him is when he's not liberal enough. It's not irrational hatred you tool, its the obvious inexperience and ineptness of this man to do his job.

  4. Right. Because Obama's just sat there, hasn't signed any bills into law, hasn't gone anywhere to strengthen our foreign policy, hasn't paid any attention to domestic issues, hasn't tried to tackle any tough problems, and basically spent all his time on vacation on the golf course or playing basketball.

    Gosh, he hasn't done his job at all.

    Like I said. Irrational hatred for the man and everything he does.

  5. Doing your job and doing it well are 2 different things. I think one of your co-workers would agree with me on that.
