Friday, July 30, 2010

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

Someone might want to mention to Hot Air's Ed Morrissey that a pretty sure sign that as a blogger that you have jumped the shark into the World Net Daily section of the Obama Derangement Syndrome tank is any effort to try  to connect the Six Degrees of Separation of Obama destroying the Gulf.
The generally accepted view of the Deepwater Horizon disaster has focused on the blowout preventer and the non-standard procedures BP conducted just before the explosion and fire.  However, most of the damage and the main source of the spill came from the collapse and sinking of the DH platform rather than the initial explosion.  A new report by the Center for Public Integrity, based on testimony from people on scene and Coast Guard logs, contains evidence that the platform sunk because of a botched response from the Coast Guard, which failed to coordinate firefighting efforts and to get the proper resources to fight the fire.

Right, so the Coast Guard failed to get the proper firefighting team out there 50 miles off the coast and that's all Obama's fault.   Never mind all the safety protocols BP and Transocean were actively ignoring that led to the explosion and fire in the first place, we have to find some way to affix blame to that Obama guy because there's a chance that if the Coast Guard had Bruce Willis's crew from Armageddon on 24/7/365 standby, they could have saved the rig and the oil wouldn't have spilled and did I mention it's all Obama's fault because he's eeeeeeeeevil and in charge of the Coast Guard?

And from there Ed builds a little ramp out of that report, revs up the Wingnutoboat and gracefully vaults over the Carcharodon carcharias to arrive at "The White House needs to come clean on this point" even though nobody has any idea what that point is, other than "Hey we found a way to pin this on B. Hussein, high fives for everyone!"

Which, come to think of it, really is Ed's point, isn't it?  Nice to know that any time a building burns down or a crime happens in America, Obama's "inadequate government response" means I know who I can send the blame to.

Eddie my man, your complimentary Glenn Beck University Chalkboard is in the mail.  Enjoy.

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