Friday, August 13, 2010

Another Milepost On The Road To Oblivion

As it stands right now, President Obama still opposes gay marriage...

...and Glenn Beck does not.
Appearing on The O'Reilly Factor Thursday, Fox News' Glenn Beck took time out of his daily habit of railing against progressives to calmly explain that the country wasn't going to be destroyed by giving marriage rights to gays and lesbians.
Beck told Fox News host Bill O'Reilly why he didn't devote airtime to the issue. "Honestly I think we have bigger fish to fry," said Beck. "You can argue about abortion or gay marriage or whatever all you want. The country is burning down."
"But isn't that one of the reasons, because we are getting away from the traditional way we used to live into this progressive [agenda]?" prompted O'Reilly.
"Your country is burning down," repeated Beck. "I don't think marriage, that the government actually has anything to do with what is a religious right."
"Do you believe that gay marriage is a threat to the country in any way?" asked O'Reilly.
"No, I don't," said Beck. "Will the gays come and get us?"
"I believe what Thomas Jefferson said," Beck continued. "If it neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket, what difference is it to me?"
I may have to take up drinking on a more professional basis after this.  Glenn Beck, the voice of effing reason on gay marriage.  This is one of those times folks where criticism of Obama is entirely and completely justified.


  1. Well, he got it wrong, naturally (about marriage being a primarily religious institution), but still. Holy wtf.

  2. You know, thinking about Prop 8, one wonders... might this be an attempt to calm down supporters so they don't clamor for an appeal?

    It seems rather paranoid, but...
