Friday, August 13, 2010

Borderline Crazy

While spending $600 million on increased border security is something that Republicans and Democrats can actually agree upon, I hope Obama understands that he could spend a trillion dollars on trained armored wolverines, a ten foot moat and a 40 foot electrified wall with lasers, and guard towers topped with .50 cal machine guns and Republicans would still bash him relentlessly for not rounding up every undocumented person in the country and then denying citizenship to their kids by changing the 14th Amendment.

I really hope he understands that Republicans will never be satisfied with "border security" until we have a police state in place that actively checks everyone in the country constantly for citizenship papers, right?

And even then some Republicans would demand that other groups start getting deported, like Muslims, gays, liberals, etc...I mean Obama does realize this.


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