Friday, August 20, 2010

Conflict Avoidance

This CNN article is a perfect example of why Republican obstruction is working.
Bringing up divisive issues that distract from fixing the country's economic woes will only create cracks in the bridge between the two major parties and independents, said Omar H. Ali, an independent voting analyst and professor at the University of North Carolina-Greensboro.

"Right now, there is a movement for nonpartisan reform in America and independents are leading that movement," Ali said. "In some ways, this issue with the mosque is the latest attempt of trying to gain partisan interest against the Democrats. ... But Democrats do the same thing to the Republicans [on other issues.]"
They do?  Right, because Democrats are trying to take away Constitutional rights from...whom, exactly?

Independents, he said, are the watchdogs and "conscience of America" when it comes to issues like the economy. The blame game over who caused the economic recession only highlights what is wrong in American politics today, Ali said.

"Americans generally are very concerned about the economic state of the nation with rising unemployment and joblessness," he said. "Independents feel that way but they're much more attuned to the fact that economic downturn is connected to a poor political process, which keeps power concentrated in the hands of deeply partisan interests -- namely the two major parties."

Yep.  Gotta love it.  Dems are just as bad as Republicans, and we're sick of both of them.  As long as idiocy like this reigns supreme as conventional widom, that both parties are equally guilty of failing America when the Democrats are trying to fix things and the Republicans are blocking any and all legislation from passing, then nothing will improve.

Our process is broken, alright.

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