Monday, August 16, 2010

El Foldo Grande

Given Harry Reid's spectacular collapse this afternoon on Cordoba House, Steve M extrapolates where the story goes from here (answer:  Harry Reid just ran up the white flag.)
Republicans and conservative activists have made no secret of the fact that they want the issue to have legs, but that gets trickier when politicians return to Washington to actually govern. One option Republicans will have to pressure Democrats on the issue will be to force Democrats to vote on the question of whether they support the cultural center and mosque.

... With the assent of the House parliamentarian, they could introduce a motion to recommit a piece of Democratic legislation, arguing that it should include language urging that the mosque be blocked. Separately, any member can introduce a privileged resolution forcing all members to take a position on the issue. The obvious goal would be to create fodder for negative advertising ahead of the November midterms....
I guarantee you this is coming.  As Steve predicted, the Dems completely folded on this and the GOP will attack on this for as long as they can continue to scapegoat Muslims...i.e. forever.
The only question is how long the GOP can drag this out before the leadership capitulates. I say bring the damn Congress back into special session, capitulate now, and get it over with, just to stop the bleeding. In this political climate, the GOP can win quickly or win slowly. There is no other possibility.
In the end, when the Dems fold, there never is.

And the Dems wonder why there's an enthusiasm gap.

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