Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Magical Dispersant Unicorns Have Apparently Saved The Day

BP's static kill is proceeding apace and Carol Browner is on the morning news shows proclaiming that three-quarters of the millions of barrels of oil is now magically gone!

BP claimed a key victory Wednesday in its effort to plug its blown-out oil well in the Gulf of Mexico while the government said the vast majority of oil from the worst offshore spill in U.S. history was already gone.

Declaring it a milestone, BP PLC said mud that was forced down the well was holding back the flow of crude and it was in a "static condition."

Also, White House energy adviser Carol Browner said on morning TV talk shows that a new assessment found that about 75 percent of the oil has either been captured, burned off, evaporated or broken down in the Gulf.

"It was captured. It was skimmed. It was burned. It was contained. Mother Nature did her part," Browner told NBC's "Today" show. On ABC's "Good Morning America," she said about 25 percent remained.
So now, in the space of a just a couple of weeks, nearly the entire gulf oil spill problem has magically vanished! Out of sight, out of mind.

Except the oil's still there.
A team of divers found oil bubbling up to the surface on a barrier island in Plaquemines Parish.

They say the oil is bubbling to the surface from underground. Officials say they first noticed it oozing up through a hole dug by a hermit crab.

Officials are now pushing for a soil sampling program to see how much of a problem there is below the surface.
But Mother Nature has done her job! The oil's "contained". Sure.

It's contained in the soil and the water and the wildlife in the ocean. And it will be there poisoning us for a long, long time.  We just can't see it.  But that's the point.  Out of sight, out of politics.

Heckuva Job, Carol...

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