Saturday, August 7, 2010

A Moose Like A Snowhill

Sarah Palin is now deep into Captain Ahab territory on her war against PolitiFact and now she's just playing the "mean ol media" card because of course nobody would dare call Sarah Palin out on the facts unless they were America Hating Liberal Elites.

SA and the Rumpies have the rundown:
Which is why—after tripling-down on the same strawman arguments and bogus numbers that drew howls of derision the first two times she floated them—the Kween of Kommon Sentz felt compelled to remind her Facebook pals that, however hare-brained and spurious her challenge to the Evil Liberal Fact-Checkers, it had been righteously issued by a hard-working person on an actual fishing boat with, like, hooks and shit:
(By the way, the Left sure gets wee-wee’d up when they’re called on something like this, eh? And here I am, thousands of miles away from DC out on a commercial fishing boat, working my butt off for my own business, merely asking the Democrat politicos and their liberal friends in the media: “What’s the plan, man?”, and they seem to feel threatened by my question. So, I’ll go back to setting my hooks and watching the halibut take the bait, and when I come back into the boat’s cabin in a few hours, I’ll log back on here to read their reply. I’ll have succeeded if they’re forced to finally reveal to Americans how they plan to increase taxes, and what they intend to do with our money. In the meantime, I’m catching fish.)
“Watching the halibut take the bait” is, I assume, Palin-Speak for checking the PayPal balance on SarahPAC. As for the rest of Snooki’s smirking nautical aside, here’s hoping her more-authentic-than-thou dingy gets towed by Mitt’s proletarian pickup truck...around the Horn, and around the Norway maelstrom, and around Perdition’s flames.  
She's actually right:  Hey Village?  When you reply to Sarah Palin and treat her as a serious political figure with a serious political opinion, you've already lost.

Stop playing her game, morons.  Ignore her.  She's meaningless.  The more you take her seriously, the more she can punk you.  It's been her m.o. for two years now.

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