Tuesday, August 17, 2010

No Logic, No Paradox

Bob Cesca puts forth the paradox theory of the swing voter in 2010.
Wingnuts aside, I've talked with a few "swing" voters who often vote Republican but voted for both President Obama and John Kerry and I've reached the conclusion that they're leaning towards the Republicans because these voters are very, very confused. Let me see if I can outline the paradox here...
1) They want the government to fix the economy, which means job creation and faster growth.
2) This requires government spending.
3) They want the government to stop spending.

Sure Bob, in a logical world, this makes sense.  But this is what voters are being told by the Right Wing Noise machine:
1) They want the government to fix the economy, which means job creation and faster growth.
3) They want the government to stop spending.
And to millions of Americans, this makes perfect sense.  No paradox here, just propaganda.  The propaganda is of course, winning.   Everybody likes tax cuts! 

Economy bad?  Tax cuts!  Jobs in the crapper?  Tax cuts!  Migraine headaches make you sensitive to light?  Tax cuts!  Need a quick healthy meal you can make in 30 minutes for three hungry teenagers?  Microwave and tax cuts!  Orcs keep attacking the castle from the northern ridge with archers and catapults every night?  Elven scouts sabotaging the ridge during the day and tax cuts!

Same as it ever was.  FOX has perfected the art of getting Americans to vote against their self-interests.


  1. Or it might have something to do with the stimulus and unemployment not going above 8% and there still being how many million unemployed?

    They may just want to try something different since the "status quo" isn't really accomplishing much.

    They want change.

    Hey but listen to Obama it could have been worse!

  2. And what's your solution, Waffles?

  3. Plenty of other people out there with solutions that don't involve "Let's throw shit tons of tax payer money at it!"

    Open your eyes, there's a whole world out there beyond the liberal blogs/sites
