Thursday, September 9, 2010

Epic We Didn't Start The Fire Fail

So apparently all you have to do in order to enshrine Islamophobia as standard operating procedure in America is threaten to burn some things.

A fundamentalist Christian pastor on Thursday called off his plan to burn copies of the Koran on Saturday.

Terry Jones, who heads the tiny, little-known Dove World Outreach Center church based in the Florida university town of Gainesville, said an agreement had been reached with Muslim leaders to move the controversial location of a planned Islamic cultural center and mosque in New York.

It would be moved away from the site of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States.

Let that sink in there for a few minutes.  Now, I'm hoping Terry Jones here is full of crap and is lying about this deal with the Park51 project.  I really, really hope he's high as a kite on meth and Nyquil right now.  Indeed...

But sources close to New York Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf said there was no agreement to move the site of the proposed Muslim cultural center.

I hope that this is the end.  Otherwise, not only is the apparent endgame of all this that the Park51 project is being moved directly due to a religious bigot threatening to torch a bunch of holy texts, but this would seal forever that the idea that building a Muslim community center in an old Burlington Coat Factory a couple blocks away from the site of the World Trade Center would be just as shamefully unacceptable as a man of God threatening to burn another religion's holy book.

For the rest of our lifetimes, building a Muslim anything in America would be considered an act as outrageous and awful as burning Qurans, Bibles, Torahs, whatever.   Likewise, all you have to do apparently in order to get said Muslims to capitulate to the Islamophobes is to threaten to desecrate a Quran.

And it would be mission accomplished, hate merchants.  You'd win.  My hat would be off to you.  it would be a situation where they played one measly fanatic card and got the jackpot of socially acceptable Islamophobia to flog for years to come now.  That's what's at stake.  Park51 better hold the line here.

I hope that this isn't true.  Olbermann will be talking to an Imam from Orlando tonight on Countdown.  I really hope that this sort of deal hasn't actually been cut yet.  It looks like it hasn't been.

I hope that remains the case.


[UPDATE] AP says "No deal"....for now.

After the news conference, Musri told The Associated Press there was an agreement for him and Jones to travel to New York and meet Saturday — on the actual anniversary of the 9/11 attacks — with the imam overseeing plans to build a mosque near ground zero.

"I told the pastor that I personally believe the mosque should not be there, and I will do everything in my power to make sure it is moved," Musri said. "But there is not any offer from there (New York) that it will be moved. All we have agreed to is a meeting, and I think we would all like to see a peaceful resolution."

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf said he was surprised by the announcement and that he would not barter.

Best part?  We're back to square one.  See, Terry Jones stopped his little Reichstag Fire,  but the mean evil Muslims won't move their DEATH STAR VICTORY MOSQUE!!!


1 comment:

  1. As a fluent [long ago at 4-4] Arabist both in reading and speaking trained by US Dept. of State, I couldn’t agree more. The entire “religion of peace” is predicated on “Islam” the word for submission in Arabic, not only to God, but to his earthly representative, the Caliph. I long ago came to the conclusion that at its core a sort of atavistic form of colonialism, but in the sense of caravan robbery which had long been a specialty of the Arabian peninsula before Mohammad started marrying six-year olds. The Arabs, ironically, are more semitic than the Jews, as there is no Thirteenth Tribe Turkish admixture to their gene pool --- though the Turkish Mamelukes and Seljuks did spread more than military achievements among their population!

    As I see it, the Qu'ran burning is the best that the MSM can come up with this election year with a "Foley scandal." No mention by Amanpour or NOW about the stoning of various female "adulterers" in Iraq.

    And this phony “imam” rauf is a representative of the Muslim Brotherhood and supports a terrorist oganization like Hamas, blames the US for 911, and the libturds blame patriotic Americans when patriots dislike his extortionate blackmail and fake religious credentials. His “legal arm” of CAIr is also a Hamas supporter. Just how far do the libturds and Hillarious Clytoon’s State Dept loons expect the American people, as opposed to the lumpenprole d-bags on the left, to support this travesty of good sense and insult to sane public policy. As a State Dept. trained Arabist, I’m aware that the terrorist minority of the Muslim world will consider this spurious “peace center” a memorial to the triumph of Osama and his suicidal boy-pals. They will consider the cringing cowardice of the libs as final proof that the US can be rolled by using its Fifth Column—called the Demonrat Party—to shirk the national security of the USA.

    My guess is that since non-Muslims will not be allowed inside, it will become a “nest of spies” like the delusional half-wits in Iran called the US Embassy.

    I agree with the 911 spouse of the murdered fireman who says move it further from the WTC memorial. Al rauf is the biggest threat to national security in the country. And burning a Qu’ran is NOTHING compared to erecting a memorial to an Islamic “victory” attained by deception, guile, and the dupe-PC idiocy of the Jamie Gorelicks and Janet Napolitanos of this country—add the self-described “mutt” POTUS to that list of security risks at the heart of the US govt. inaction and Obolshie is now showing his tin-ear is worse than we thought. I don't think he wants 8 years in the Oval Office.
