Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The GOP Economic Plan

Once again, here's what the Republican party's top budget mind, Rep. Paul Ryan, has in mind for America once the GOP gets back in charge with his "Roadmap" plan.

The Roadmap would give the most affluent households a new round of very large, costly tax cuts by reducing income tax rates on high-income households; eliminating income taxes on capital gains, dividends, and interest; and abolishing the corporate income tax, the estate tax, and the alternative minimum tax. At the same time, the Ryan plan would raise taxes for most middle-income families, privatize a substantial portion of Social Security, eliminate the tax exclusion for employer-sponsored health insurance, end traditional Medicare and most of Medicaid, and terminate the Children’s Health Insurance Program. The plan would replace these health programs with a system of vouchers whose value would erode over time and thus would purchase health insurance that would cover fewer health care services as the years went by.

Got it?  Because this is what's coming for us as soon as we put the GOP back in charge:  the rich would get substantially richer, the rest of us would pay substantially more taxes so that the rich and corporations can get tax cuts (or eliminated taxes period) and Social Security and Medicare will be phased out in favor of private insurance...and you'll lose the tax exemption on insurance benefits making it all but unaffordable for everyone but the wealthiest among us.

We'll be right back on the road to a straight Pareto Distribution economy where the wealthiest have hundreds of millions and the vast majority of us have nothing.

But let's keep hating on the Democrats.


  1. Your blind hatred for those who make money must be what drives you, regardless of the fact Texas has the best economy in the nation and has done what with their taxes? You worry bout the rich having more money. I'm sure you believe people only need so much money and any more than that is just selfish. Face it you want redistribution of wealth.

    Better yet, lets get another stimulus. The first one didn't do what was promised but who's counting eh? Obama even upped what "The Kroog" stated would be needed and they were still wrong and now want more. Nope, had your chance and failed. Going back to the drawing board and coming up with the same plan over and over is not only insane, its Wiley Coyote insane.

  2. "It failed."

    Sure, the unemployment rate would be 12% or higher without it, but "it failed".

    Get some better GOP talking points Waffles, you're boring me.

  3. Obama even upped what "The Kroog" stated would be needed and they were still wrong and now want more.

    Total bullshit and absolute lie.

    Go back and compare the actual numbers, dumbass. Or do you need remedial math and reading comprehension classes?

    And tell that "didn't do what was promised" to the auto industry.

  4. The reason Texas is in such good shape compared to other places is they didn't have a real estate boom and bust.

    Why didn't they have a real estate boom and bust?

    Government regulations.

