Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Last Call

From Balloon Juice, your moment of perspective on today's DADT fail at the blog Joe My God:

I’ve just gotten off the phone with Atlanta Journal-Constitution political writer Jim Gallaway who says that Sen. Saxby Chambliss has confirmed that the “All faggots must die” comment left here on JMG earlier today did indeed come from his Atlanta office. Galloway reports that Chambliss told him his office is conducting an internal investigation.

I may be pissed at Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor and more than a little miffed at Obama.  People have every right to be.  I understand it becomes exceedingly difficult to exact any sort of price from the Republican party for doing this when Democrats turn around and do the same thing.

But to be perfectly honest the DADT repeal was doomed because there are 41 Republican Senators in Congress, and every single one of them thinks gays should not be allowed to openly serve in the military.  Let's not forget who the bad guys are:  right now the GOP can block any and every piece of legislation they want to, no matter what the Democrats do.  That is reality.  Right now there is nothing we can do about it.

The WSJ's Bret Stephens penned a pretty good article as to why the GOP should repeal DADT.  It's nice to know that the Republicans in turn do not give a shit, because their hatred for Obama and the Democrats supersedes anything and everything else.  There are no moderates in the GOP in the Senate.  The House was lost some time ago, but even Maine's Senators are nothing more than gay-hating bigots.  Period.  We're talking about when presented with a bill that would repeal federal government bigotry (listen up Libertarians!) and would give people the ability to earn their US citizenship through fighting for our country (listen up Galties!) the Republican party said no.  All 41 of them.  Every single one said no, and even one would have been enough, in theory.  Because it would have benefited the Democrats in some way, they blocked funding for our troops during a time of war.  They do not care about governing.  They only care about winning.

There are no Republicans open to compromise.  There are no Republicans who want to work across the aisle.  There are no Republicans interested in improving America and listening to opposing points of view.  There are no Republicans who want to govern.  There are only hardcore fanatics.

Clearly, the manic progressives will tell you, the plan to achieve equality at the federal level is to punish the Democrats and allow more Republican Senators into Congress.  That will make them listen!  That will make things better!

After all the first act of a GOP Senate will be to kill the filibuster, right?

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