Sunday, September 19, 2010

Oil's Well That Doesn't End Well For This Oil Well, The End

The Deepwater Horizon oil well is officially sealed and dead, five months to the day after the entire mess began.

BP's blown-out oil well in the Gulf of Mexico has finally been killed once and for all, five months after an explosion sank a drilling rig and led to the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history.

Retired Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen, the federal government's point man on the disaster, said Sunday BP's well "is effectively dead."

Sure, except for the tens of millions of gallons of oil still in the Gulf that it will take years if not decades for the ecosystem to recover from.

We'll be fine until the next oil accident happens. After five months have we learned anything?

We've learned just how easily the energy industry controls the GOP, and how easily the Obama administration slips into Bushian lies in order to cover up the true extent of the damage.

We've learned how truly rotten BP is as a corporation. It is just one of several energy giants who are soulless monsters.

Most of all we've learned how impossible it is to ever get climate legislation passed through Congress, and that our grandchildren will probably never forgive us for what we will continue to do to their planet right up to the point where we collapse the environment so badly that we wreck the place for good.

Oil's well that ends well, indeed.

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