Monday, September 13, 2010

Regarding Charlie

Raw Story is reporting that Florida Gov. Charlie Crist will announce strong support for gay rights as part of his independent Senate campaign.
Charlie Crist, the current governor of Florida and Independent candidate for US Senate, is prepared to issue a ringing endorsement of gay rights in a document slated to be released as early as this week, according to a copy of a position paper provided in advance Sunday to

Crist, who was elected governor as a Republican, left the GOP after it became clear he could not win his party’s nomination for Senate.

The document provided to includes Crist's vocal support for gay couples, including hospital visitation, inheritance and adoption rights; opposition to the ban on gays serving in the military; support for anti-discrimination laws and appropriations for HIV and AIDS programs.

"It's great to hear a sitting governor take such a strong stand on equality issues," Nadine Smith, Director of Equality Florida, told by telephone Sunday night. "This is the first time in Florida's history that a sitting governor has taken these public positions on a wide range of LGBT equality issues. It marks a shift in the debate in our state."

"For us, having the governor of Florida articulate so clearly stands that are in support of equality on a wide range of issues is a new day," Smith added.
If this is accurate, then the votes Crist will lose to Marco Rubio may more than be made up by Florida's LGBT community, which right now is supporting Kendrick Meek. Meek is running a distant third at this point in the race however.  Crist announcing this support while still Governor will certainly get him votes in the blue parts of  Florida too, subtracting from Meek's total.

It's certainly going to bring up questions again pertaining to Crist's sexuality.  Rumors that Crist himself is gay have been swirling around him for years and you can bet Republican Marco Rubio and company will jump on this as proof.

We'll see where this goes.  The fact remains such a sea change on gay rights issues by a former Republican still running for office is notable.


  1. It's not going to do anything. Civil unions, not full-on marriage. Equality Florida doesn't understand what a strong stand really is, but then, it's Florida. Crist has staked out the Obama position, but without saying "fierce advocate."

    If he's elected, don't expect he'll take the lead on any of this either, because, well, you know . . .

  2. Meek is no longer a distant third, the latest poll had him trailing Crist by only 6, within the margin of error.

  3. Fair enough, Meek has moved up some in the last week.
