Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Towel Once Thrown, It Falls Alone

The hand throwing said towel is Harry Reid.

A senior Senate Democratic aide told TPM today there won't be a vote on extending the Bush tax cuts in the upper chamber before the November election, a blow to party leaders and President Obama who believed this would have been a winning issue.

It's also a signal that the House won't take action -- though nothing has been decided for certain, since leaders there have said all along they are waiting for the Senate.

"Absent a stunning turn of events, we're not going to do tax cuts before the election," the aide told TPM.

A double vote forcing the Republicans to go on record to continue trillions in tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans would completely unravel their deficit hypocrisy, and should be an election season cudgel to get what the Dems need to get passed as well as putting the American people firmly behind the Donks on the issues of taxes.

Instead it's the Democrats cowering because conservatives in their own party don't want to be forced to make rich people pay more.  The reality is now that there's a pretty good chance that the GOP will get those tax cuts made permanent, forcing Obama to either go back on his pledge and veto the bill and letting them expire (and ending his administration) or giving in to the GOP and jacking up the deficit even more.

The House has this afternoon followed suit and are dumping any tax cut votes until after the election.

I don't honestly understand the Dems on this.  They have a clear path to win-win, and they are taking lose-lose instead.  This is going to cost them badly.

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