Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Boom, Headshot

The big story here in Kentucky politics today is not last night's final Rand Paul-Jack Conway debate, but what happened afterward.  After the debate an apparent Rand Paul supporter assaulted and stepped on the head of a MoveOn.org protester who was trying to get close to Paul.

And it was all caught on tape.  HuffPo:

A spokesman for the Lexington Police Department, Lt. Edward Hart, tells The Huffington Post that as off 12:30 a.m. Eastern Standard Time they have not yet identified the man captured on video stomping the head of the MoveOn volunteer. Hart said that the department would be reviewing news footage of the incident and that they "are hoping someone can identify who the person is." Until then, he said, it is a "pending investigation."

Hart additionally offered some details from the police report filed from the incident. There were, he said, roughly 300 protestors outside the debate and only a handful of officers. "We were not anticipating any issues," he acknowledged.

"The victim, apparently, was trying to run up and approach Dr. Paul with a sign reading 'RepubliCorp: Employee of the Month,'" he added. "She worked for MoveOn.org -- was a contract employee sent to the debate with MoveOn.org for the purpose of getting a picture with Dr. Paul with the sign."

Valle had been sent from Pennsylvania for the purposes of appearing outside the Paul event, according to Hart. "She had been attending multiple rallies with the same purpose. She stated that she was wearing a wig and as she was running up to Rand Paul she was either tripped on purpose or pushed to the ground." Following the incident Valle "complained of injury to the temple area."

Hart relayed that a fourth-degree assault report had been filed with the policy department -- as is customary when the result "is a minor injury." Once the suspect is identified it will be up to Valle "to file for warrant or the summons to bring that person into court."

That's pretty terrible stuff.  I'm interested to see what the Wingnut right believes justifies this behavior, because I guarantee if this had been a Tea Party member wanting to approach Jack Conway manhandled and stepped on like this, it would be a declaration of war by the right.  Again.

This awful, bloody, militant rancor coming out of the right has consequences, folks.  This was completely unacceptable, folks.  There is no justification for the man caught on tape to have done this.

Hey Tea Party folks, whatever the hell happened to "Don't Tread On Me" like the guy's button says?   I guess that doesn't apply to liberals, huh?  You can walk on them all you want to if they try to express their dissent?

If you give a damn about this country and this story raises any emotions whatsoever in your heart, then get out there and vote.  If you can vote early in where you live, do it today.  If you can't, do it Tuesday.  I'm going to be there.  You need to be there too.  Get angry at this story all you want, but turn that anger into a vote this week or Tuesday.

That's how you make a difference.


  1. It hasn't occurred to you that this could be a ruse, right?

    Given the guaranteed catastrophic and permanent losses by Democrats in Congress, what do you think Move On would resort to?

    Are you really this blind to objectivity?

  2. I'm with the first commenter, it could have been a set up. This woman was hired by MoveOn.org to protest, then wears a wig to the event? She ran towards Paul? Come on. There were a lot of people around Paul at the time; for all we know, she stepped on her own feet accidentally and then claimed she was tripped or pushed.

    If there are assault charges filed, then I think the victim should expect as much justice as Kenneth Gladney, who is still awaiting the trial of the SEIU thugs that (allegedly) beat him up.

  3. And let's be honest here (Well as honest as you are ever capable of being anyway...)

    If this had been a Rand Paul supporter thrown to the ground and pushed down with her foot by Jack Conway's thugs, you would be the first to say it was an Andrew Breitbart stunt.

    It's your jumping to conclusions here about the identity and motivations of the attackers here that directly has created the climate of anger and fear, NOT the Tea Party.

  4. Sorry boys, at least one of your assailants is a Tea Party supporter and a Kentucky state open carry law advocate.

    But keep blaming everyone but the Tea Party.

  5. Whoa now, Zandar. You gots some backwards yokels commenting here, don't you?

    Listen, bubbas and bubbettes. It is so tiring to hear your fascist ravings. She was assaulted (going by the legal definition of assault). It does not matter what her intent was. What those goons did was illegal, period.

    So you can run and tell THAT, homeboy!

  6. It's true -- if this hadn't actually been Rand Paul supporters pushing a woman to the ground and stepping on her head, the narrative would be much different.

    Also, it's entirely possible that this video is running backwards, and the Paul people actually HELPED HER TO HER FEET.

    In a world where it's impossible to trust the Mainstream Media, we as individuals have an obligation to come up with our OWN explanations for why beating a woman is a good thing.

  7. Zandar, you just need to get your tea-goggles on. Here's how it went down: The woman was a would-be Squeaky Fromme who tripped over her own feet during a dastardly attempt to assassinate Baby Doc with a yard sign.

    Then, as she cleverly pretended to lie motionless on the ground while the dude in the We-the-Pimple hat straddled her (for her own protection), she deceptively slipped her head under the shoe of the other goon, causing him to be videotaped bearing down on her skull with his full weight like some sort of deranged thug. But actually he was just trying to keep his balance after her head attacked his shoe!

    There's just no end to lefty perfidy, Zandar! Don't you GET it? I'm 100% certain that woman has granite counters too.

  8. PS: I wanna get me one of them good-ole-boy face-merkins. Nothing says "patriot" like a shaved head and some real crazy mouth-hair.

  9. I call bullshit on that link.

    The only thing we know for sure is a Move On operative went after Rand Paul with intent of finding a "gotcha moment" because he's got a 7-10 point lead right now and will almost certainly win Tuesday.

    We see how low these assholes will sink.

    Besides, Zandar has a known fact-checking credibility problem...

  10. what do you think Move On would resort to?
    Otherwise known as, "I would do it, so they would do it, too!"

    Yes, utilizing the ole' "Carry A Funny Sign And Wear A Wig" method, that woman diabolically FORCED those men to strong-arm and stomp her. UNFAIR! She knew she was smaller than they are!

  11. So Anonymous (catchy name you got there, coward. She was looking for a gotcha moment so that justifies assault? What kind of world do you come from?

    If your wife tries to catch you cheating on her do you beat her ass, too? Your lack of clarity and compassion is telling.

  12. "I call bullshit on that link."

    Well, I guess that settles that then.

    Couple being reality-challenged with copious dollops of denial and a sprinkling of epistemic closure and this is the immoral stupidity that results.

    Hey, you lying, desperate dweeb--I wish it was your momma or your sister* that the goon had stomped. Maybe you'd feel differently then.

    * In your case, they may be the same person.

  13. If this had been a Rand Paul supporter thrown to the ground and pushed down with her foot by Jack Conway's thugs, you would be the first to say it was an Andrew Breitbart stunt.

    Yeah, that makes sense, considering Dems (save for a handfull of jagoff HuffPost commenters) have spent the whole week trashing Conway for a dickish ad.

    Deal with it, guys: we're just not as scummy as you are. You can take that as a moral failing, an electoral advantage, or both, but stop kidding yourselves that your scumminess is anywhere close to being matched.

  14. I wish it was your momma or your sister that the goon had stomped

    Okay, fine, the vast majority of us aren't as scummy.

  15. Whut? Mentioning a hypothetical scenario in order to shock an asshole into relating to a victim of violence is an example of equivalence?

    OooooK, if you say so, Goldilocks.

    Some people can't relate to violence in human terms until it comes closer to home. I suspect Anonymous the Apologist above is an example.

  16. WaPo reporting the woman has a concussion, sprained arm and sprained shoulder.

    Stay classy, boys.

  17. The Anonymous who said "Whut?" here again.

    You know, I've had many blows to the head over the years. Some of them have been pretty hard and I've lost consciousness a few times but even after hospital observation I've never been diagnosed with concussion.

    This was a STOMPING, not just someonne "holding her head down" with their foot.

    Defend THAT, you woman-beating Rethug assholes. It makes you look BIG.

  18. If this had been a Rand Paul supporter thrown to the ground and pushed down with her foot by Jack Conway's thugs, you would be the first to say it was an Andrew Breitbart stunt.

    Not too far from the truth. Apparently, the alleged assault on the MoveOn.org woman was followed by another incident not reported on by this post:

    The second occurred after a Conway supporter stepped on the foot of a female Rand supporter, who recently had foot surgery, according to police.

    The woman was wearing a surgical boot, but after the injury, her incision was cut open. Police say she refused medical treatment and also filed an assault report.

    Remember, Conway supporters were happy to have Conway put out a personal attack ad against Paul, an ad that had nothing to do with the issues.

    And then there is that whole Kenneth Gladney incident, which was poo-poohed by the liberals because Gladney wasn't, according to liberals, the right kind of African-American.

    Speaking of filing charges, how was it that Harry Reid hired a La Raza employee who committed fraud? And how is it that she was allowed to escape prosecution? What did Reid know and when did he know this; considering Reid is the Senate Majority Leader, did he or his staff have anything to do with stopping the prosecution?

  19. You don't get to change the subject that easily, asshat.

    Rethugs all over the web and the media are defending this brutality. You're one of them. Keep it up. It reveals you as an asshole.

  20. Steve, you left out "fake" climate change science and FDR's attempt to stack the Supreme Court.

    And you know what else was just like head-stomping a woman? Reagan selling missiles to the Ayatollahs to fund an illegal war in South America, that's what.

    Don't thank me. Helping other people is its own reward.

  21. And then there is that whole Kenneth Gladney incident, which was poo-poohed by the liberals because Gladney wasn't, according to liberals, the right kind of African-American.

    The "Kenneth Gladney incident" was poo-poohed by the liberals because it was bullshit. The video proved that Gladney's account was false - he was pulled down by a man who was already falling, not pushed, and he claimed he was kicked while he was on the ground, which clearly didn't happen. Also, he was fine immediately afterward, but several days later his lawyer was pushing him around in a wheelchair (which said lawyer apparently swiped from the hospital). By contrast, this video is what it is.

    Still, congrats on the race-baiting, the anti-Hispanic smears and the tacit acceptance of violence against women. You're clearly backing the right horse.

  22. Meanwhile, Rand Paul is up by double digits in the Democrat's own poll, meaning that come election day, Paul will win by close to 20.

    Aqua Buddha failed miserably, just like I said it would. Zandar here said "Conway has to fight".

    Who is backing the wrong horse now libs?

    Fucking morons, all of you.

    WE WIN!

  23. So, the head-stomper has come forth to apologize, and he was a Paul campaign operative who was shit-canned because of the incident. Conspiracy theory FAIL.

    As for the anonymous pud-puller above, chickens, counting, hatching, etc. It wouldn't be surprising if Paul DOES win. It's KY, after all.

    But having a campaign staffer videotaped stomping a woman's head a week before the election probably will prove as helpful to Paul's cause as the Aqua Buddha thing was to Conway's.

    PS, Anonymous pud-puller: President Barack Hussein Obama. Suck on that, loo-hoo-hoo-zer. ;-)


  24. Oops, who's that big brave stormtrooper with his boot on a tiny girl's face forever?

    Why, it's a Rand Paul campaign worker!

  25. Media Czech over at B&P has this guy cold. Our Headkicker For Freedom is none other than Paul supporter Tim Profitt.

    Somehow, I don't think that PPP poll holds true anymore.

  26. "So, the head-stomper has come forth to apologize, and he was a Paul campaign operative who was shit-canned because of the incident. Conspiracy theory FAIL."

    Well, he may be a thug, but at least he apologized.

    Which is more than the Rethug shitheads who've been making excuses for the whole horrible incident will do, I predict.

    C'mon down, SteveAR and your Anonymous Apologist sidekick.

    Man up and at least admit you were wrong.

    Admitting you're a revolting POS for justifying violence against women under ANY circumstances is more than anyone could hope for.

    That would indeed make you a man, rather than a sorry excuse for a human being.

  27. "WE WIN!"

    If by "win" you mean you get to replace a senior Republican Senator with a junior Crazy Person, you may be right. But all caps is rather more enthusiasm than that merits.a


    Yeah, I can see why you went with your version.
