Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Chamber Of Secrets

Everything you need to know about the US Chamber of Commerce taking foreign donations to get Republicans into power story can be summed up by this horrified reaction from Blue Dogs in the LA Times.

Democrats expressing reservations have worked on behalf of moderate candidates with business backing. They recalled past attacks on former President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore for receiving foreign money and warned that White House charges now could lead to GOP reprisals, particularly if Republicans gain control of the House.

"The White House may reap the whirlwind," said one top Democratic staffer. "What are we going to do next year if a Republican Congress is making baseless claims about President Obama? We'll want the media to hold them accountable to the facts and the evidence."

The Democratic staffer and a handful of other prominent Democrats spoke on condition of anonymity because of the political sensitivity of the topic.

You know what this tells me?  A) the story is true, B) the Chamber is going to take it out on the Blue Dogs unless they kill this thing now, and C) the Blue Dogs are terrified.

It also tells me that Congressional staffers are idiots. "What are we going to do next year if a Republican Congress is making baseless claims about President Obama?"  Effing really?  What do you think Republicans have been doing for the last two years?  Have you knuckleheads learned nothing about how completely ineffective the strategy of "capitulating to the Republicans so they aren't mean you" is?

We can't follow up foreign/anonymous/unlimited contributions to our political system because it might make the Republicans attack Obama?

Jesus wept.  This country is heading straight for the toilet.


  1. "We'll want the media to hold them accountable to the facts and the evidence."

    Said the one source supporting the premise of the article, speaking on the conditions of anonymity, and immunity from super-dense irony.

  2. You know what this article tells me?

    That somebody is going out of their way to gloss over all the dirty money Democrats have taken over the years from unions and foreign donors...

    You need to rename this blog "Zandar IS The Stupid."
