Friday, October 8, 2010

Epic Hey Yo Chris, About That Freakin' Tunnel Thing Win

For New Jersey's Republican Gov. Chris Christie, something funny happened on the way to cancel that tunnel project to Manhattan...something called One Pissed Off Senator Frank Lautenberg laying down how things are going to be, Tony Soprano-like.

Today, U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) reacted to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s reversal of yesterday’s decision to kill the ARC tunnel project and news that he will restart negotiations for an additional two weeks. The reversal comes following a meeting between Governor Christie and U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood.

“I expect the Governor to now work in good faith with the federal government to move this project forward,” Lautenberg said. “Governor Christie needs to put politics aside and work on behalf of New Jersey commuters to get this tunnel back on track.”

The ARC Tunnel is slated to receive $3 billion in federal funds, the largest federal contribution to a mass transit project in the history of the nation, and $3 billion from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Senator Lautenberg yesterday made it clear that the $3 billion in federal funding slated for the ARC project cannot be redirected to New Jersey projects and will go to other states if the project is halted.

“The Secretary was clear with Governor Christie: if this tunnel doesn't get built, the three billion dollars will go to other states. We can’t allow that to happen,” Lautenberg said.

Emphasis Sen. Lautenberg's own press release.  "Now, you want to complete this tunnel, Chris.  It's in your own best interests, capiche?  Have a nice freakin' day."  And wouldn't you know it?  Now Chris is "reconsidering his options" after that little visit from Frank and Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood.

Infrastructure plus Jersey Style for the EPIC WIN.


  1. Oh hey, it looks like the government is useful after all! It's giving them money!

    Anyways, glad to see this is getting sorted out. What a little financial pressure can do...

  2. Oh hey, I know this is an oldish post, but I figured you might want to see this"

    Steve Crowder of on the Liberal Conspiracy of using mass transit to take his Mighty Manly Penis (also known as his car) away from him.

    Also about how cars equal freedom and by inference mass transit is slavery.
