Saturday, October 16, 2010

He's An Aqua Buddha Man, Part 2

Jack Conway's latest attack ad against Rand Paul here in Kentucky is...umm...interesting.

It tries to intimate a little too hard that Paul's anti-Christian, and that's a fairly big whopper. On the other hand, Rand Paul did say and do these things, and that's a viable political attack card to play in Kentucky, that Paul is only paying lip service to religious conservative Republicans and independents.

Given Paul's record of doing that, this ad is pretty relevant.


  1. Well, it worked with with Christine O' Donnell, maybe it can work with Rand Paul.

    Conway has to throw as much crap on the wall and hope some it sticks.

    It is a good strategy .. he has nothing to lose.

  2. But Zandar, Rand Paul IS anti-Christian. That is, if you define "Christian" as "following the teachings of Jesus."
