Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Pearl-Clutching Over Jon Stewart

I don't get it.  America has no problem apparently with Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, or the entire FOX News network being completely and rabidly political.  But Jon Stewart better watch himself!

“He’s moving to a very new position – and very much runs the risk of alienating some people who liked him because he didn’t seem to be positioning himself as in the mainstream of political life,” said Geoffrey Baym, who actually studies “The Daily Show” at the University of North Carolina-Greensboro. Stewart, he said, is transforming himself from an “outside figure” to a “mainstream political player.

“He’s walking a tightrope here,” Baym said.

A liberal executive who sometimes works with Stewart, and who declined to be quoted by name for fear of jeopardizing the relationship, said Stewart had “gotten in way over his head.”

This executive worried that Stewart wouldn’t have either the political or the comic impact he sought. “It’s one thing doing some stunt or doing some shows from Washington this week,” this person said. “It’s another thing to organize a rally whose goal is muddy at best.”

I suppose if he had Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich and other FOX News commentators/2012 GOP hopefuls at his rally, the goal wouldn't be so muddy...just dirty.


  1. I don't think it's America (or at least the vast majority of it) that has the problem with Jon and Stephen and the rally.

    I think the Village hates Jon and Stephen's guts for impudently, and ferociously, and frequently taking Villagers to task for sucking.

    The Village doesn't have problems Villagers (Fox Villagers, usually) pissing on other Villagers. But God help those that piss into the Village. Those little people are Unserious.

  2. no, god help anybody who pisses on the villagers if he or she is perceived of as liberal by the villagers.

  3. And now, according to Fox Business (The younger, even stupider, brother of Fox News), union members are being forced at gunpoint to attend!
