Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Yet More Republican Drape Measuring

GOP Sen. Jim "Global Warming is a Myth" Inhofe of Oklahoma is predicting a 14-seat pickup for the Republicans and control of the Senate...control that would make him chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, presumably so he could shut it down.

"I am very confident that Republicans will take over the Senate, and I'll become chairman of that Environment and Public Works Committee," Inhofe said on Fox News Radio.

Inhofe's a noted skeptic of climate change science who's promised to thwart new regulations on emissions proposed either in Congress, or by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Oklahoma conservative would likely become chairman of the committee if the GOP were to pick up the 10 or more seats they need to win back the majority in the upper chamber.

Inhofe said that he expected Republicans to hold all the Senate seats, and predicted victories for Carly Fiorina (R) over Sen. Barbara Boxer (D) in California, Christine O'Donnell (R) over Chris Coons (D) in Delaware, Rep. Mark Kirk (R) over Alexi Giannoulias (D) in Illinois, and Sharron Angle (R) over Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D) in Nevada. 

And of course, as chair Inhofe's first job would be to do as much as possible to neuter the Environmental Protection Agency and reverse any protections implemented over the last couple of years, including those put in place as a result of the BP oil disaster (still out there, folks.)  Some sort of Senate apology or making BP clean up the mess would presumably follow, just after Inhofe votes to defund the EPA completely.

There's a lot at stake in 2010, folks.  Republican control of the Senate will not improve the environment one iota.


  1. "Republican control of the Senate will not improve the environment one iota."

    You know, maybe putting a leash on the EPA is a smart idea unless you think trillions in carbon taxes is a good idea.

    Never mind. We know the answer to that question.

  2. And by "leash", they mean "choke chain made out of piano wire".

  3. "trillions in carbon taxes"

    Which of course would balance the budget.

    That's what you guys want, isn't it?

    (Also, the 'trillions' number is arbitrary bullshit.)
