Monday, October 4, 2010

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

Jim "Gateway Pundit" Hoft believes he's discovered proof of insidious socialism in schools over the weekend.

High School kids are forced to attend the one Nation rally in order to graduate. SSL (Student Service Learning) hours are required by many state governments to graduate High School, so kids must attend these rallies. Apparently, the organizers were willing to use any means to bring thousands to the rally.

Yes, because the only possible way they could have gotten credit for these hours that teachers would have accepted is this rally and this rally only, therefore they were forced to come to Washington DC in order to graduate.

Well, let's see what nearby Montgomery County, Maryland's school district web site says you need to do to earn these Student Service Learning hours, shall we?

Consider things that interest you, activities you enjoy, areas you are curious about or a specific organization you want to work with. All SSL must be done with nonprofit, tax exempt organizations.

Oh wait, I thought they were forced to come to the One Nation Rally.

Check organizations that are tagged, "Approved SSL MCPS" and opportunities that are tagged, "MCPS SSL Approved" at this website.

Aha, so, the only activity is the One Nation Rally, right? What if the activity I want to perform isn't tagged, huh? HUH, YOU COMMIE PINKOS?!?!

Learn what is expected from the organization, complete a Request for SSL Pre approval and submit it to your school SSL Coordinator PRIOR TO BEGINNING service.

Oh. So you mean I can have to school look over a new activity with a non-profit of my choice then to get credit then...well gosh that's pretty fair and everything.

I guess that means Jim Hoft is full of crap then, huh.

There's a shocker. This isn't even bad Obama Derangement Syndrome, it's just...stupid.


  1. By Hoft's own logic, any kids at Tea Party rallies were forced to come there by socialism, too.

    LIBERAL PERFIDY STRIKES AGAIN, infecting even the Tea Party with our dread collectivist community organizing. MWAHAHAHA! I can't wait until Lord Soros uses his Socialism Ameros and legions of ACORN ninja-zombies to steal yet another election! Wouldn't that be just like us, using the Citizen's United victory of freedom to subvert the Framers' Intent, once again?

    Shit, move over, Malkin, I could be good at this stuff.

  2. Somewhere, a couple dozen invisible teabaggers just died.
